In a few lines explain what was Trail of Tears


Answer 1
Answer: The trail of tears was a part of the removal of native cherokee indians from their territories east of the mississippi to western territiories such as oklahoma.

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Forth Amendment, which prohibits any unreasonable searches and seizures and requires a warrant judicially sanctioned with a probable cause for one to be conducted.

first off the answer is the fourth Amendment. second off the fourth amendment protects your privacy without a warrant, which then gives you probable cause for them not to search you office or house in this case, so this means no government agencies can search your home or office without your consent so she could use the fourth amendment on them. Hope This Helps:)

Why did the british agree to end the war


The Treaty of Peace and Amity between His Britannic Majesty and the United States of America is signed by British and American representatives at Ghent, Belgium, ending the War of 1812. By terms of the treaty, all conquered territory was to be returned, and commissions were planned to settle the boundary of the United States and Canada.In June 1812, the United States declared war against Great Britain in reaction to three issues: the British economic blockade of France, the induction of thousands of neutral American seamen into the British Royal Navy against their will, and the British support of hostile Indian tribes along the Great Lakes frontier. A faction of Congress, made up mostly of western and southern congressmen, had been advocating the declaration of war for several years. These “War Hawks,” as they were known, hoped that war with Britain, which was preoccupied with its struggle against Napoleonic France, would result in U.S. territorial gains in Canada and British-protected Florida.In the months following the U.S. declaration of war, American forces launched a three-point invasion of Canada, all of which were repulsed. At sea, however, the United States was more successful, and the USS Constitution and other American frigates won a series of victories over British warships. In 1813, American forces won several key victories in the Great Lakes region, but Britain regained control of the sea and blockaded the eastern seaboard.In 1814, with the downfall of Napoleon, the British were able to allocate more military resources to the American war, and Washington, D.C., fell to the British in August. In Washington, British troops burned the White House, the Capitol, and other buildings in retaliation for the earlier burning of government buildings in Canada by U.S. soldiers. The British soon retreated, however, and Fort McHenry in Baltimore harbor withstood a massive British bombardment and inspired Francis Scott Key to pen the “Star-Spangled Banner.”On September 11, 1814, the tide of the war turned when Thomas Macdonough’s American naval force won a decisive victory at the Battle of Plattsburg Bay on Lake Champlain. A large British army under Sir George Prevost was thus forced to abandon its invasion of the U.S. northeast and retreat to Canada. The American victory on Lake Champlain led to the conclusion of U.S.-British peace negotiations in Belgium, and on December 24, 1814, the Treaty of Ghent was signed, ending the war. Although the treaty said nothing about two of the key issues that started the war–the rights of neutral U.S. vessels and the impressment of U.S. sailors–it did open up the Great Lakes region to American expansion and was hailed as a diplomatic victory in the United States.News of the treaty took almost two months to cross the Atlantic, and British forces were not informed of the end of hostilities in time to end their drive against the mouth of the Mississippi River. On January 8, 1815, a large British army attacked New Orleans and was decimated by an inferior American force under General Andrew Jackson in the most spectacular U.S. victory of the war. The American public heard of the Battle of New Orleans and the Treaty of Ghent at approximately the same time, fostering a greater sentiment of self-confidence and shared identity throughout the young republic.

the main reason the Spanish explored North America was to. a.fight the British. b.spread Christianity. c.find gold and riches. permanent settlements


The correct answer is C.

Do you believe warfare should be used to gain more territory and achieve national interests?



I do not believe.


The notion of war is related to terms such as combat, battle, fight, fight or confrontation. In general, all of these concepts are interchangeable and synonymous, although each has a specific use that best fits the case. Independent of the concept, war only causes destruction, suffering and despair. No one gains territory, nor does it reach national interests in the face of war, quite the opposite. In a war only public money, prosperity, lives, peace and any other factor of happiness in the lives of citizens are lost.

yes i do it is needed to protect citizens and let them keep there rights and protect its women and children

In 1 paragraph (NOT A SENTENCE BECAUSE I'VE SEEN ENOUGH PEOPLE USING SENTENCES I MY PARAGRAPH QUESTIONS) desvribe how the belief of Ancient Egyptians used their belief in the gods to explain the flooding in the NIle River!


The flooding of the Nile River was an event that occurred every so often in ancient Egypt.  The entire life of the Egyptians was based on the river because all of their agriculture was fed by its water.  Therefore, when the river flooded and ruined their crops, it caused famines and large-scale deaths.  The Egyptians believed that, because of the flooding's grand effect on their society, the gods would flood the river if they disapproved of them.  The Egyptians strived to please all of the gods to ensure the safety of their crops.

How many miles does the Mediterranean sea stretch from east to west


Mediterranean Sea, a worldwide sea that expanses from the Atlantic Ocean on the west to Asia on the east and splits Europe from Africa. It has frequently been named the incubator of Western development. Its west-east extent—from the Strait of Gibraltar to the coasts of the Gulf of Iskenderun is about 2,500 miles (4,000 km).

The Mediterranean Sea stretches about 2.5 (or 2 and a half) miles across from east to west.

Hope this helps :)