What is the point at which a DNA strand is unzipped so that it can form a nem complementry strands


Answer 1
Answer: idk bc im just waiting for my question to be answered soooo  byee...srry i couldnt help lol

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________ is the process of cell division that results in the formation of cells with half the usual number of chromosomes


Meiosis results in the formation of 4 gametes with 23 chromosomes in each haploid. Haploid means there aren't complete pairs, and gametes are sex cells.

A student designs an experiment to determine the effect of sunlight on plant growth. He or she places three identical plants on three different window sills, which permit different amounts of sunlight exposure. Each plant receives the same amount of water each day. What is the responding variable in this experiment? A.plant growth B.amount of sunlight
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The responding variable in this experiment of the students experiment where she places three identical plants on three different window sills which were expose to different amounts of sunlight exposure and same amount of water each day is the amount of sunlight because even the plant receives the same amount of water but each of them didn't expose the same amount of sunlight than the growth of the plant will not be the same.


so it d


Please fill the blanks. 10th grade biology


<#3. atp energy> it is an organic material made in the cell.

How does fibre help the body ?


It adds bulk to our stools.

It helps food to move through your digestive tract more quickly for healthy elimination.

Fibre helps prevent diseases, diabetes, heart disease, weight gain and cancers. It also helps with stool
hope that helps:)

What is the essence of philosophical ethics


In Biology, Ethics explores the morality and problems connected to the uncertain sittuations. An example could be genetics. Some people are unsure of how should we treat genetically modified organisms, is it good or bad to modify them.

Another example could be cloning. There are many people who find cloning of living organisms unethical.


Ethics, also called moral philosophy, the discipline concerned with what is morally good and bad and morally right and wrong. The term is also applied to any system or theory of moral values or principles. (Answered 7 years late but it’s ok )


What is photosynthesis


Photosynthesis is just a fancy word that describes how plants make their own food. photo means 'light' and synthesis means 'to put together'. 
    The three things that the plant "puts together" are sunlight, carbon dioxide, and water. When a plant receives these 3 things, something happens; an organelle in the cells of the plant called chloroplasts combine them and turn it into sugar in which the plant eats. Cool, huh?

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