Which appeal presents facts, statisics, and common sense


Answer 1
Answer: Logos is your answer.

Logos-An appeal based in facts, statistics and common sense.
Pathos-An appeal based on emotion
Ethos-An appeal based on a credible source/person

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flat character, antagonist

round character, protagonist


We don't have the excerpt, so we cannot really answer your question.
I can help you a bit, however, so if you've read the story, you will know how to answer it yourself.
A flat character is the one who doesn't change at all over the course of a novel, whereas a round character develops and changes his or her characteristics.
A protagonist is the hero of a novel, whereas an antagonist is his "enemy."

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a. mars and earth

earth bc it is the first planet to support life with water tooo and part of it is frozen and the other not

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The answer for your question is B: Formal

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Colons denote "that is to say" or"here's what I mean." They make sentences’first parts not important rather the sentence’s second part contains theimportant information. Here are some of the rules you could use for colons:

*Colons are uses upon introducing items.

*Do not use capital letters after a colon except if it’sa proper noun.

*Do not use colons after a verb or preposition.

*For independent clauses, especially when the secondsentence explains the paragraph’s meaning, the use of colon is preferred.

*After a colon: capitalize the first letter of thefirst word if it is a complete quotation.

Patterns in data can serve as ____________________________________________________ to support a claim.


Patterns in data can serve as evidence to support a claim.

Data patterns provide a verifiable protocol or system for data evaluation.  This system can be used to:

  • compare various data
  • unify data points
  • extract knowledge
  • provide evidence for supporting a claim.

The recognition of data patterns assist software engineers in carrying out various data analysis and functions.

Thus, the known data patterns can take various forms, including being used in horizontal, trend, seasonal, and cyclical analysis.

Read more about data patterns at brainly.com/question/20632412


supporting evidence or just evidence


Patterns in data can serve as supporting evidence to support a claim.