Darwin hypothesized that there are definite steps to natural selection. Consider the model here. Use the Roman numerals (I - III) to guide you through the steps. Which is an accurate description of Darwin's hypothesized theory of natural selection? A) Sexual reproduction of bacteria cause variation. Some bacteria survive and some do not. Over time all of the bacteria should become extinct. B) In any population, variation exists. Some bacteria are resistant to antibiotics. Most bacteria die, but the bacteria that are resistant survive and reproduce. C) In a population of bacteria that are exposed to antibiotics, some bacteria change their genetic make-up and survive. The new genetic make-up is passed on to offspring. D) There is a change in the environment: an antibiotic is added. Some of the bacteria are capable of changing to the new environment. They survive and reproduce, passing along their favorable traits.


Answer 1

Answer: Option D

Explanation: Natural selection come into action when some change takes place in the environment which affects the survival of the organism. Here the change is addition of antibiotics. So the bacterial cells which were able to adapt to the change, they survived and rest were killed. These resistant bacterial cells would pass on the genes to next generation and gradually population of resistant bacteria would increase.

Answer 2
Answer: I believe the answer is b

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Just took the test.

In the cells of the human body, oxygen moleculesare used directly in a process that
(1) releases energy
(2) digests fats
(3) synthesizes carbohydrate molecules
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The answer is (1) releases energy. In the cells of the human body, oxygen molecules are used directly in a process of cellular respiration during which energy is released. In cellular respiration, glucose and oxygen yield carbon dioxide and water and energy is released in the form of adenosine triphosphate: C₆H₁₂O₆ (glucose) + O₂ (oxygen) → H₂O (water) + CO₂ (carbon dioxide) + ATP (adenosine triphosphate).

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Which of the following structures is most likely to be found in an autotrophic protist?


b. A chloroplast 

The options in the question contain both autotrophs and heterotrophs.
(a) A giant redwood tree = Autotroph
(b) A spider = Heterotroph
(c) A rose bush = Autotroph
(d) A mushroom = Heterotroph
(e) A blue whale = Heterotroph
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A. True
b. False Plankton and nekton are found in the ocean. A shark is an example of nekton.


The answer is A. True.

Plankton includes a diverse group of organisms that live in the water but are not capable of active swimming against the water current. On the contrary, nekton includes a diverse group of organisms that live in the water but are  capable of active swimming without the help of the water current. A shark is capable of active swimming, therefore, it is the example of nekton.