If private citizens want to be part of the solution to world problems through nongovernment organizations (NGOs), they should


Answer 1
Answer: Private citizens can join non-government organizations (NGOs) through volunteering. Usually, different countries in the west highly support their NGOs that promote and envision the growth of their society or other societies.

Volunteer groups like GreenPeace and Housing and Development Organizations are the commonly involved groups in giving solutions to world problems. They provide the necessary service of basic commodities (e.g. food, water, shelter) for the good of many in mostly remote areas where help does not reach its way or where help is not enough. A person can easily volunteer by signing up to his desired organization that he knows would cater to the need of many.

Answer 2

As it is private:

donate their money and time.

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an Oligarchy, a degraded form of Aristocracy.


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What did the Spanish and their indigenous allies hope to gain by presenting this image of Motecuzoma?

The imperial Spanish sensibility implied that the motecuzoma responded in terror when given the news that was less than comforting since they concentrated on the Spanish's terrifying weaponry and animals. It appears exceedingly improbable that Motecuzoma or the Aztecs would have exhibited dread in such a degrading manner given the tangible response of the Aztecs to the Spanish invasion.

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Learn more about Motecuzoma, here:



Answer: The Spanish were trying to make the Aztec leader out to be a coward and weak.

The Spanish were attempting to give the impression of being powerful with their animals and technology.

Perhaps the Spanish were trying to give the impression that they were likely to win—thereby attracting more indigenous allies.


the following document based on indigenous account but filtered through imperial Spanish sensibilities suggested that the motecuzoma reacted with fright when presented with reports that were less than reassuring since they focused on fearsome weapons and animals of the Spanish. Given the material response of Aztecs to the Spanish invasion it seems highly unlikely that Motecuzoma or the azetecs would have expressed terror in such a humiliating fashion