PLEASE HELP ME !!!!!!I have to interview someone for my homework can someone help me please
These are the question:

-Who is Jesus for you?
-In what ways are you living as a follower of Jesus?
-What do you say to Jesus when you pray?
-Who has helped you to understand Jesus better?
-How does believing in Jesus affect what you do?- What did you learn about Jesus(or, what reminded of that you hadn't really paid attention to before about Jesus?)


Answer 1
Answer: 1.Jesus for me is healer.
2.I live a life that Jesus wants me to live.
3.Jesus, thank you for today, thank you for everything. I love you, and please allow me to live a life that you want me to live and help me to follow you in all my ways. In your precious and holy name Amen.
4.My Youth Pastor, my mom, and my Step Dad.
5a.It doesn't affect me at all. I live my life the way on how Jesus would want me to live.
5b.That Jesus has been shrinking my Brain-Tumor for the last 3 years, and he has also been shrinking my Neurofibromatiosis Type 1.(or, I have learned about Jesus is that he loves me no matter what. And that he loves everyone unconditionally.
Answer 2
Answer: Jesus is my Brother up in heaven

By following the commandments from the Lds church and thanking him for repenting for all my sins so i can live with him again

I Thank him for my blessings and ask for blessings

When i watch General Conference, all the speakers

It helps me be at peace beacuse I know he is true so i go through out my day always thinking of him and asking myself. "If he was here would i still do it?"

I learned that he loves me

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D. he does not understand how serious the cold weather is and finds himself in trouble. The old man warned him he didn't have enough warmth to survive the night, and he still foolishly went ahead.

d He does not understand how serious the cold weather is

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B. struct
Construct: To build
Destruct: To destroy

Struct is relating to structures.
Construct is making a structure and destruct is un-making a structure (u
breaking it down).
B. because it would make construct and destruct which means to build and then to destroy

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Anne franks time, it really was not dating. you pretty much married who ever. It was not about love you date who ever.
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Your Welcome  :)

In a similie you use like or as and a metaphor state a comparison

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C. Persistence


(7th grade English btw)


I would say persistence.Perseverance is when you keep going even when knocked down, and persistence is pretty much the constant effort put into something.