What was the main purpose of the navigation acts ?


Answer 1
Answer: They were a succession of laws by the British to limit tradeof foreign ships for trade between any sea vessels with the exception ofEngland.  It reflects the principles ofmercantilism where all the wealth is kept within the British Empire.  Because of this, the colonies were limited asto who they can trade with. Apart from that, it fueled resentment among thecolonists especially the merchants whose livelihood was affected by theseActs.  Eventually this helped fuel thestart of the American Revolution.
Answer 2

Answer: to regulate trade between British colonies and foreign countries


It from study island

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List some of the occupations open to women by the war


In all wars, women have traditionally taken over the jobs available at the time; plus running their homes and raising their children alone. I need to know which war you are asking about. 

During World War I, women worked at manufacturing jobs and they farmed. Many of them joined the military and the Red Cross.Manufacturing was the most surprising at the time. Rosie the Riveter was made famous as a lovely woman in coveralls helping build airplanes for the war effort.
During WW1 a lot of women went to work in occupations that had previously been done by men. They worked in farming, forestry, on the railways and buses, as drivers etc. A lot of them worked in munitions factories. In the UK, women joined the newly formed women's auxilliary services, the Army, Navy and Airforce, but I understand America did not have official women's services until WW2. In the UK women also joined the newly formed women's Police Serivce (I understand women were admitted to the police force in the USA from 1910). 

Harriet Stanton Blatch wrote: 

'The American woman is going over the top. Four hundred and more are busy on aeroplanes at the Curtiss works. The manager of a munition shop where to-day but fifty women are employed, is putting up a dormitory to accomodate five hundred. An index of expectation! Five thousand are employed by the REmington Arms Company at Bridgeport. At the International Arms and Fuse Company at Bloomfiled, New Jersey, two thousand, eight hundred are employed. 

Nor are the railways neglecting to fill up gaps in their working force with women. The Pennsylvania road, it is said, has recruited some seven hundred of them. In the Erie Railroad women are not only engaged as 'work classifiers' in the locomotive clerical department, but hardy Polish women are employed in the car repair shops. They move great wheels as if possessed of the strength of Hercules. 

The professional woman is going over the top, and with a good opinion of herself. "I can do this work better than any man" was the announcement made by a young woman from the Pacific Coast as she descended upon the city hall in an eastern town, credentials in her hand, and asked for the position of city chemist. There was not a microbe she did not know to its undoing, or a deadly poison she could not bring from its hiding place. The town had suffered from graft and the mayor, thinking a woman might scare the thieves as well as the bacteria, appointed the chemist who believed in herself. And she is just one of many who have been taking up such work. 

Formerly two-thirds of the positions filled by the New York Inercollegiate Bureau of Occupations were secretarial or teaching positions, now three-fourths of its applicants have been placed as physicists, chemists, office managers, sanitary experts, exhibit secretaries, and the like. Of the women placed, four times as many as formerly get salaries ranging about eighteen hundred dollars a year.'
Source(s):'The Virago book of women in the Great War' edited by Joyce Marlow
manufacturing was the most surprising at the time . Rosie the Riveter was made famous as a lovely woman in coveralls helping build airplanes for the war effort .

Which choice would be considered a nation?the German Army
the Cherokee people
a group of Japanese chefs
a French-language organization


The correct answer is B.

A nation is a stable community of people formed on the basis of common language, history, territory and ethnicity. The community occupies a defined territory and is organised under an independent government.

The word nation comes from old French nacion meaning 'birth' or 'place of origin'.

The Cherokee people were a tribe sharing common territory, history, language and customs. They were thus considered a nation.

All the rest of the examples are groups of people joined temporarily without any common territory or shared history.

The Cherokee people would be a nation because they are a group of people who are led.

What Is the National Prohibition Act?


was inacted ro carry out the intent of the 18th ammendent, which established prohibition in the us.

Whites in America forced Jim Crow Laws on minority citizens following the end of Reconstruction. What was the principle means by which they were able to accomplish this?A) They enacted laws protecting whites from discrimination.
B) They made it nearly impossible for minorities to vote.
C) They desegregated all public and private businesses.
D) They were able to overturn the Fifteenth Amendment.


I am pretty sure that the answer is B. Good luck
Answer:  [B]:  "They made is nearly impossible for minorities to vote."

Constitutional monarchs are all of the following EXCEPT:. a. sole powerful leaders. c. sharing governmental powers. b. ceremonial rulers. d. rulers by birthright


The one that is not the characteristic of constitutional monarch is : A. Sole powerful leaders

There are 2 types of monarchs :
- Absolute monarch >>>> The old type of monarch
- Constitutional Monarch >> The new type of monarch

In constitutional monarch, the Country's affair usually fall to the prime minister. The kings and queens are only ceremonial rulers and used as a symbol of nobility.
A, Sole powerful leaders. Constitutional indicates they share power with the people or non at all. An example is the United Kingdom.