¿Cuál es la frase cierta? Las playas de Puerto Rico son una parte importante del turismo de la isla. Puerto Rico tiene muchas islas pero los turistas prefieren visitar sus montañas.


Answer 1
Answer: las playas de puerto rico son una parte importante del turismo de la isla
Answer 2


The correct answer is the first one


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Which of thefollowing uses thePreterit tense?A. Ven, ven rapido!B. Hubo un robo terrible.C. Sí, sí! No hay problema.
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20 palabras que no tiene diptongo porque las vocales fuertes que estan juntas se separan.
BRAINLIEST!!!!Choose the answer that best completes the sentence.Mis padres __________ en la sala.estoyestánestamosestáis

Please translate. Maybe give an example to? IDK I am tired, and overburdened with work.



answer the following questions as fully as possible :
have you had a best friend with whom you have fought or have you recently discussed?
that they discussed ? have they resolved their problems?

 things that  have appreciated more in your life ?

that things have bothered more in your life?

# 1 its  asking  if  you have  had a best friend  that you have fought  with  or   argued  with in a  bit  ? why? and have  you solve  the  problem  
#2 what are some things  you have appreciated in your life 
#3 what are  some thing  that have bother you in your life  
these are personal questions  cant answer them  sorry 

Which of the following verbs does not have an irregular stem in the conditional tense?A. Hablar
B. Decir
C. Haber
D. Tener


Decir because the other answer choices have "er" at the end which is the same condition stem. So its (Decir)




Mis amigos y yo ____________________ que fue (it was) aburrido. a.dijo c.dijeron b. dijimos d.dijiste



The correct answer is option b. dijimos.

So, the phrase is: Mis amigos y yo dijimos que fue aburrido.


All the options presented are conjugated in the past tense correctly, but not all are agreeing with the subject. In Spanish conjugation changes depending not only on the tense but also on the gramatical number and person used. The subject is the one that addresses both, and for the sake of the agreement of the whole sentence the verb conjugation has to be coherent with it.

Note that the phrase is indicating that My friends and I ("Mis amigos y yo") said that is was boring, which refers to the plural first person (we). So, only option b. dijimos matches this criterion, as is the conjugation of the Spanish verb "decir" in the plural first person (we).

Option a. dijo is not correct because is conjugated in the singular third person (she/he). Option c. dijeron is neither the correct answer for it is conjugated in the plural third person (they). And option d. dijiste is incorrect because is using the singular second person (you).

B. Dijimos

Whenever you are involved in the group you are to use nosotros conjugation

Which part of a car is used to drive in a certain direction? A.la palanca de cambio
B.el maletero
C.el volante
D.el asiento


Yo entiendo que talvez seria la letra C. el volante
C means steering wheel. So I assume you know the answer by that. :p

JUAN ¡Hola, Linda! ¿Qué tal las clases? LINDA Bien. (1) (tomar) tres clases... química, biología y computación. Y tú, ¿cuántas clases (2) (tomar)? JUAN(3) (tomar) tres también... biología, arte y literatura. El doctor Cárdenas (4) (enseñar) la clase de biología. LINDA ¿Ah, sí? Lily, Alberto y yo (5) (tomar) biología a las diez con la profesora Garza. JUAN ¿(6) (estudiar) mucho ustedes? LINDA Sí, porque hay muchos exámenes. Alberto y yo (7) (necesitar) estudiar dos horas todos los días (every day).



1. (Yo) tomo

2. (tú) tomas

3. (yo )Tomo

4. (él) enseña

5. (nosotros) tomamos

6. (ustedes) Estudian

7. (nosotros) necesitamos


conjugate each verb in parentheses to the present tense and to either yo, tú, él/ella/usted, nosotros, vosotros, ellos/ellas/ustedes

The Spanish equivalent for seeds isa. semillas.
b. campesinos.
c. planta.
d. perros.


a. semillas= seeds
b. campesinos= someone that is not from that place
c. planta = plant
d. perros = dogs

So the most logical answer would be A, semillas

I hope this helped :)

A. semillas is the correct answer