Which console was invented by Ralph H. Baer?


Answer 1

“Brown Box” was a console invented by Ralph H. Baer.


Ralph Baer who is a German immigrant, invented the very first home video game console in the late 1960. It was simply renowned as the "Brown Box," and it was known later as the “Magnavox Odyssey” in 1972 after his successfully licensed out of the design.

The device was built with the footprint for home consoles with a computer remaining in a box which was used or manipulated with controllers and connected to a television.

He also built a "Light Gun" controller that was integrated or bundled with a shooting game. It is highly assured to be the first-ever video game peripheral. Later, he designed the “Simon” pattern-matching electronic toy that's still available today.

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Negetive and positive impacts of social media on the right of privacy and safety


Ahh, social media, a constantly debatable way of communicating and sharing information.

Let's cover the positive aspects first:
- Safe way to communicate with people over the internet rather than in person
- Safety is looked after by community moderation and abuse teams
- New privacy options are able to secure information more thoroughly

Now, the more negative aspects:
- Privacy is never 100% guaranteed as systems can (and have been) compromised. 
- Users are oblivious as to how their information is stored and then used to make money through advertising companies.
- Your information, identity and life is available for anyone to see
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Social media can be used in a positive way, it's up to you as to how you protect your information and interact online.

ENG103 DISCUSSION BOARD 3 Take some time to use the various search engines discussed in Lesson Two. Choose a topic of your liking and use

Bing (common search engine)

iSEEK Education (academic search engine)

MetaLib (metasearch engine)

What types of information did each search provide? Discuss what features you like and dislike about each of the search engines.

can you help me please


Bing (Common search engine) provides responses to search inquiries that are sorted by popularity. The engine also provides relevant images at the top of the screen, and a detailed breakdown of the topic on the right side. The layout of the site is very welcoming, however not entirely scholarly. I find it difficult to separate scholarly articles from the rest of the media. However, this is understandable as most people who would use the engine regularly are seeking entertainment, rather than seeking scholastic resources. A great asset to the Bing Search Engine is the related searches tab. This is great for finding specific material that is relevant to your search.  In the end, Bing is a great search engine for everyday uses, especially when seeking several mediums to represent your search inquiry. 


Bing (common search engine)


RAW files can be compressed without losing information t/f


The statement "RAW files can be compressed without losing information" is known to be true.

What are RAW files

RAW files can be made smaller without getting rid of any important stuff, but it depends on how they are compressed.

RAW files are pictures that have not been edited or compressed and come directly from the camera's sensor. They collect all the information from the sensors, like color, brightness, and other details.

Therefore, These files are easier to edit than compressed formats like JPEG because they keep more information.

Read more about RAW files here:



True. RAW files can be compressed without losing information.