The Paleolithic, Mesolithic, and Neolithic eras occurred during which age?A. the Iron Age
B. the Brass Age
C. the Stone Age
D. the Bronze Age


Answer 1
Answer: The Paleolithic, Mesolithicand Neolithic eras occurred during the Stone Age. The correct option among allthe options given in the question is option "C". The Stone Age isactually a large period of time and is considered to have covered around 3.4million years. The Stone Age is thought to have ended anywhere between6000BCE and 2000 BCE. It was the age when stones were widely used to servedifferent purposes of the people living during that time. The stones weresharpened and widely used as hunting tool by the people of the Stone Age.

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It could easily be argued that "Otto Von Bismarck" was the most influential in the unification of Germany, since he felt that all people of German blood should be in the same state. 

“Our prosperity rests on the basic [beliefs] that the work of free individuals makes a nation—and it is the job of Government to help them do the best they can... that our greatest resource is the health and skills and knowledge of our people... that older Americans... are entitled to live out their lives in dignity... that individual farmers and individual workers have a right to some protection against those forces which might deprive them of a decent income from the fruits of their labor.”According to Johnson, the primary role of government is to

A protect older Americans.
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C support individual effort.
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According to Johnson, the primary role of government is to support individual effort. The correct option among all the options that are given in the question is the third option or option "C". The other choices can be easily negated. I hope that this is the answer that has actually come to your great help.

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 b) puerto rico and guam were made unincorporated u.s. territories 

False, is the correct answer.

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The most prosperous time in the Han Dynasty was under the leadership of emperor Wudi. The empire extended as far west as Kyrgyzstan and included Vietnam and the Korean Peninsula. This was accomplished by wars with neighboring kingdoms to consolidate Han's power.

What is a kingdom?

A kingdom is a territory of land that is governed by a king or queen. A king or a queen who ruled a kingdom has absolute authority and influence over a people and the whole of its territory.

A ruler of a kingdom has the responsibility and duties to his subjects for their wellbeing and take care for the prosperity and development of the subjects and the kingdom. His dominion and authority are absolute.

Every kingdom must have a king, but it is also true that every king is automatically a "lord". A king charges the taxes and takes the decision for the involvement in the war.

The Han's empire extended as far west as Kyrgyzstan and included Vietnam and the Korean Peninsula. This was accomplished by wars with neighboring kingdoms to consolidate Han's power.

Learn more about kingdom here:


Wars with neighboring kingdoms to consolidate Han's power

why did president Roosevelt and prime minister Churchill want to create the Declaration on liberated Europe


 President Roosevelt and Prime Minister Churchill wanted to create the Declaration on Liberated Europe which was expressed in a sentence "the right of all people to choose the form of government under which they will live." due to preserve European countries (mainly Poland) from the taking over by Stalin

Final answer:

President Roosevelt and Prime Minister Churchill wanted to create the Declaration on Liberated Europe to establish their vision for the postwar world and ensure the restoration of self-determination and self-government.


President Roosevelt and Prime Minister Churchill wanted to create the Declaration on Liberated Europe in order to establish their vision for the postwar world and ensure the restoration of self-determination and self-government in the liberated countries. They aimed to replace the old British imperial system with one based on free trade and decolonization, and to lay the foundation for a peaceful and democratic Europe. The declaration also reaffirmed the unconditional surrender of Nazi Germany and outlined the division of Germany and Berlin into occupied zones.

Learn more about Declaration on Liberated Europe


How does trade affect a national economy


Trade greatly affects a national economy since trade is one of the major ways in which an economy can grow, due to goods and services being exported to other countries, which brings in revenue and raises GDP.