Which of the following factors can influence the development and progression of noncommunicable diseases?a. diet choices
b. genetics
c. air quality
d. all of the above


Answer 1
Answer: The answer is letterD.

Non-communicable diseaseare non-infectious and non-transmittable. They refer to chronic diseases of thebody which last for long periods of time and has a nature of slowlyprogressing. Diseases include stroke, cancers, diabetes, asthma, kidneydisease, among others. These diseases are directly link to a person’s genes,diet choice, and poor air quality. Since these diseases are chronic in nature,chronic treatment is also necessary. If left untreated the diseases may lead todifferent complications in the body or worst, death. 
Answer 2

Non-communicable diseases have a lot to do with the kind of food that a person eat or diet choices(optionA).

What are non-communicable diseases?

Non-communicable diseases refers to those diseases that can not be transmitted from person to person. They can only be suffered by one person without moving it on to another.

Such diseases have a lot to do with the kind of food that a person eat or diet choices.

Learn more about non-communicable



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Exercise daily, eat a healthy diet, reduce her sodium in her diet, limit alcohol (if any is ever taken), reduce stress, or cut back on caffeine (if any is ever taken).

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Muscle endurance is the ability to do something over and over for an extended period of time without getting tired. In the gym, that may be doing 50 body weight squats in a row, moving to a rhythm. Skiing, for example, is a sport that uses muscle endurance

If we want to compare the muscular endurance we can give the both bodies different exercises and then overall compare how much muscularly fit both of them are.

Which person is most likely to have the slowest metabolism? a 65 year old or a 15 year old?


65 year old without a doubt. 

A 15 year old is still growing and, naturally, would have a pretty quick metabolism.

Quinn was driving his car on an icy road when the back end started to skid out of control. His car crossed the centerline, and he could see the headlights of rapidly approaching oncoming traffic. His entire body became energized. His heart rate and respiration increased, and he began to perspire profusely. According to Selye’s general activation syndrome (GAS), Quinn was experiencing:


According to Selye's general activation syndrome (GAS), Quinn was experiencing a stage of GAS. This stage is confirmed by sweating. It is an alarm reaction.

What is Selye's general activation syndrome?

The Selye's General adaptation syndrome (GAS) describes the process through which the body goes when a person is exposed to any kind of stress, and this could be positive or negative. GAS has three main stages which are alarm, resistance, and exhaustion. If a person do not resolve the stress that has triggered GAS, it could lead to physical and even mental health problems.

There are generally three stages to stress which are the alarm stage, the resistance stage and the exhaustion stage. The alarm stage is the time when the central nervous system is awakened that causes body's defenses to assemble. This SOS stage results in a fight-or-flight response of the body.

Quinn is experiencing increased heart rate, respiration and is continuously perspiring. These are the symptoms of alarm reaction in the body.

Learn more about GAS here:




The three stages of (GAS).


All of his symptoms are stages of (GAS) or 1-3 which meant he hit stage three when he started sweating.

-Hope it helped.

What impact does motivation have on a person's ability to achieve something?



Motivation is an important factor in everyday life. Our basic behaviors and feelings are affected by our inner drive to succeed over life's challenges while we set goals for ourselves. Our motivation also promotes our feelings of competence and self-worth as we achieve our goals.

3. Which of the answers below best describes examples of skill-related factors? (1 point)A) Heredity, environment, and financialstatus
B) Cardiovascular efficiency, blood pressure, and flexibility
C) Body composition, water weight, and pulmonary efficiency
D) Coordination, agility, and power



D) Coordination, agility, and power.


Coordination agility and power are skill-related factors, because we need to effort in order to improve skills like theses.

Actually, coordination, agility and power are skills as themselves, and they can be improve or weaken, depending on our routines. In other words, their development depend on us. The opposite case is a function that cannot be directly affected by us, like heredity or blood pressure, they are not skills.

D) Coordination, agility, and power is the answer.