In which one of the following sentences is the apostrophe used correctly? A. The train began it's journey across country.
B. I put the letter back into it's file.
C. The cat licked it's paws while the dog watched.
D. It's up to you to decide what to do.


Answer 1
Answer: D. It's up to you to decide what to do.
Possessive noun usually includes an apostrophe such as Nene's bear, plant's soil, earth's mass and a lot more. Therefore, the possessive noun in the new coat belonging to Sharon is Sharon's that is Sharon's new coat. Add 's to those singular or plural nouns that do not end in s however, add only an apostrophe to plural nouns that already ends in s. Moreover, possessive nouns can be personal pronouns too. Personal pronouns actually shows or displays ownership of something especially in a sentence plus it does not the 's form of the word. Possessive pronouns inlude we, mine, her, his, ours, theirs and a lot more. 

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When choosing which details to include in your narrative, it is important to


Take into account the following steps:

  • We must define what will be the action that we are going to narrate and decide which characters will intervene. You have to choose some characters that have a personality, a way of being and acting. You have to think about the relationship between the characters. They can be companions, rivals, very friends ...
  • You have to organize the story in parts: initial event or approach, reaction - action or knot and solution or outcome.
  • We must place the action in space and time. It is important to give concrete details so that the story seems real and interesting.
  • It is necessary to specify how the story will be told; which will be the position of the narrator (first or third person) and which verb tense will predominate in the narration (present or past).
Try to determine your audience and purpose or write about how you became aware of something, gained a new way of seeing the world, a new insight. I think.

_____ is written to entertain readers or to provide information that readers find interesting and pleasing


My best guess would be fiction because its purpose is to entertain the reader. Not entirely sure because fiction does not really provide info unless its realistic fiction.

Are the verb tenses in the sentence consistent, or do they shift unnecessarily? In the autumn, the leaves turn brown, and they fell off of the trees. A. The verb tenses shift. B. The verb tenses are consistent.


The verb tenses shift - it starts off in the present tense but then it says "they fell off" which is the past tense and doesn't make any sense

Methods that FNB(first national bank)can use to compete with other banks in south african


For every banks, there are several method to win the competition over the other banks  , such as :

- They can provide a higher interest rate for saving, attracting people to deposit more money into the bank
- They can provide a lower interest rate for loan
- They can do some acquisition of profitable companies so they will gain more revenue from its early dividend

How does Joise change over the course of the story?


In the beggining, Joise had a terrible attitude towards everything. He explained to the reader how disappointed and bored he was to go on this trip in Coloma, California. Only his father stayed exited to show them the setting of California. But triple G, his great, great grandfather was a hero and great inspiration to him. After getting an assignmnet to write about a historical figure, Triple G, was his obvious choice. Motivated he wanted to find some facts on his great-great grandpa. Going to the library, he found out the truth about his heroic grandpa:/ and he wasnt so heroic anymore. 
Remember the beggining? he had attitude? Now he comes to his father to tell him the secret he had firgured out with facts to explain how Triple G couldnt have been all that he says he was. Afterwards, Joise, realized that he had sadend his father. His character changes and also becomes sadned, like the story states, "his heart sank," after reading the 3 sentences he had only found on triple G.
i hope this makes sence:P
and i hope it helps

Which one of the following root words means"time"? A. andro- B. cord- C. kudo- D. chron-


D. chron- means time.

Final answer:

The root word 'chron-' means 'time'. It's derived from the Greek 'khronos'. For example, in 'chronology', 'chron' refers to time and 'logy' is the study of. The other roots do not denote 'time'.


In the context of root words and their meanings, option D. chron- is the correct answer. The root 'Chron-' originates from the Greek word 'khronos', which means 'time'. For instance, consider the word 'chronology', where 'chron' stands for time and 'logy' stands for study. Thus, 'chronology' refers to the study of the sequence of time/events.

Here are the options you presented :

  • A. andro-  : This root typically pertains to masculinity or males.
  • B. cord- : This root usually refers to the heart. For example, 'cordate' means heart-shaped.
  • C. kudo- : This does not represent a widely-used root word in English.
  • D. chron- : As mentioned, 'chron' means time.

Learn more about root words here: