_____ elections are those held between presidential elections, involving all seats in the house of representatives, one-third of those in the senate, thirty-six governorships, and other positions.


Answer 1
Answer: Answer: Mid-term Elections

These elections are held 2 years into a presidents 4 year term, therefore dubbed mid-term elections. Only a fraction of the legislative seats are up for election every two years. This is intended to that the legislative houses do not change completely at one time.

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The success of the populist party of 1890s can best be measured by what development


The populist party (also known as the people's party) was founded by farmers and laborers who desired the passage of various democratic reforms into law.

How is the populist party measured?

They primarily believed in the free and unrestricted coinage of silver, a federal income tax based on income level (a.k.a. graduated income tax), and government ownership of railroads to reduce monopolies that resulted in high shipping rates for farmers.

Many populists were elected to Congress in the end. Many of populists' democratic reforms were enacted into legislation.

The unrestricted coinage of silver and a graded income tax are two examples.

They also convinced the government to take control of railroads and reform banks, which farmers claimed were contributing to their financial woes.

The populist party's development was the passage of these policies as laws.

For more information about populist parties, refer below


Hey there!

The populist party (or the people's party) was created for the farmers and laborers that wanted several democratic reforms created into laws. They mainly believed in the free, unlimited coinage of silver, federal income tax being based on income level (a.k.a. graduated income tax), and government ownership of railroads to cut down on monopolies causing high shipping rates for farmers. Many populists eventually got seats on Congress. 

Populists got many of their democratic reforms to pass as laws. These include the unlimited coinage of silver and graduated income tax. They also got the government to own the railroads and reformed banks, whose practices farmers believed was part of their financial hardship. The passing of these reforms as laws was the development that the populist party owed their success to. 

Hope this helped you out! :-)

What areas of medicine have benefitted from scientific and technological developments?


Well it has helped science but finding cures to illnesses that lets say 100 years ago people would either die in a minutes, hours, days or weeks. Also it has helped technology because we are humans, we are not perfect, we make mistakes daily so machines make medicines to prevent overdose of drugs in millimeters getting into one tablet or pill.

The United Farm Workers’ Grape Boycott that began in 1966


This was caused by a demand for higher wages by laborers at began on September 8, 1965.  Members of the Agricultural Workers Organizing Committee and National Farmworkers Association walked off from work due to low wages.  By employing methods such as boycott, marches and grassroots organizations, attention to their plight as well as the plight of laborers came to the attention of the national media and the boycott ended with a collective bargaining in 1970.

The United Farm Workers' Grape Boycott that began in 1966 was a movement that was carried out nationwide.

What are civil rights?

Civil rights can be defined as the basic and fundamental rights and freedoms that must be accorded to all human beings. Some example of civil rights across the world include the following:

  • Freedom of religion.
  • Freedom of choice.
  • Freedom of movement.

In this context, the United Farm Workers' Grape Boycott was a movement that began in 1966 and it was judiciously carried out nationwide i.e in the United States of America.

Read more on civil rights here: brainly.com/question/580880

Which river shown on the map indicates the farthest extent of Alexander's conquests?Nile






The river shown on the map that indicates the farthest extent of Alexader's conquests is the Indus river.

In his thirty-two years of life, his empire extended from Greece, to the Indus Valley in the East and to Egypt in the West, where he founded the city of Alexandria. In total, his empire came to have a territorial extension of 5,200,000 km2.

I've taken the test before and the answer was six.

But as you can see the options are a)Nile, b)Danube, c)Tigris, or d)Indus

But the closest river was the Indus River.

What country was NOT a member of the Warsaw Pact?a. Greece
b. Soviet Union
c. Romania
d. East Germany


The correct answer is (a.) Greece. Greece was the country who was not a member of the Warsaw Pact. The Warsaw Pact was made in return for the creation of the NATO. IT is composed of Soviet Union, East Germany, Romania, Albania, Poland, Hungary, Bulgaria, and Czechoslovakia.

How was war different in the Ancient Near east compared to modern day warfare?



Soldiers would lunge out in groups to attack the enemy, as few as one man or whole unite such as a Roman maniple. This is where such small unit officers like the centurions were so important, leading from the front they exhorted their men to be brave and attack and often led by example and started the attacks.
