suppose that your friend is moving far away and describing his new location. He mentioned that Derreck gets a lot of precipitation for most of the year, except for the summer, which is cool and dry. He also noted that his house is surrounded by flowering trees in conifers and that he saw at least 3 camouflaged animals more quickly than his sister could. Which biome well his new home be part of?


Answer 1
Answer: To me this Biome sounds like a Tropical Forest i may be wrong.

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Question 1 All living organisms contain carbon atoms. Which of the following is an important characteristic of carbon?

Question 1 options:

Carbon atoms are highly reactive and form unstable bonds with any available atom.

Carbon atoms can bond with any other atom, but they cannot form bonds with other carbon atoms

Carbon atoms are very stable and do not easily form bonds with other atoms

Carbon atoms can bond with many other kinds of atoms to form very stable molecules.

Question 2
Any chemical that contains carbon bonded to at least one other atom, usually hydrogen, is known as a

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Fatty Acid

Organic Molecule

Question 3
How many valence electrons are generally needed to fill the outer shell of most atoms?

Question 3 options:




Question 4
The macromolecules in biochemistry are proteins, carbohydrates, lipids and nucleic acids. What main elements do all of have in common?

Question 4 options:

Carbon and Sulfur

Carbon and Hydrogen

Oxygen and Nitrogen

Oxygen and Phosphorus


1. The correct answer is 4. Carbon can bond to 4 other atoms, exponentially increasing its ability to make different molecules.

2. The correct answer is 3. An organic compound (or molecule) is any atom (usually hydrogen) that bonds with carbon.

3.  The correct answer is the third option (8 electrons). Valence electrons in the outer shell are those can form a chemical bond. When (most) atoms have 8 electrons in their outer shell, they are then considered to have maximum stability.

4. The correct answer is 2. These macromolecules all contain carbon and hydrogen, making them organic compounds. 
1 - Carbon atoms can bond with many other kinds of atoms to form very stable molecules. 2 - organic molecules . 3 -  8 (full shell) . 4 - i'd say Carbon and Hydrogen

With the following crosses of pea plants, give the flower color of offspring and the ratio expected (red is dominant). A cross of red x red (both homozygous) would result in


All of the offspring would be red. Set up a punnet square to find the odds and you get 4 out of 4 red offspring.

In what structures do the enzymes actually chemically digest food?


It's the amalyse that digested the food or starch in out mouth. Amalyse is an enzyme that is responsible to break down the starch in to sugar. Usually, it is present in our saliva, this is where the digestion started then next to our stomach.

Which of the following is not a characteristic that distinguishes one type of forest from another, such as Siberian vs. Tropical Rain Forest? types of trees

age of trees




The correct answer is option B, Age of trees

The forest area is usually defined in terms of climatic condition prevailing with in it, the type of flora and fauna found, the area of the forest , its geography (including location, latitudes, nearby geographical features etc. ) and the geological conditions (soil type etc.). Age of the trees in its flora diversity is of no subsequent parameter to distinguish between two forest areas.

Age of trees, I think. 

What causes a nebula to collapse?


Irregularities in the density of the gas causes a net gravitational force that pulls the gas molecules closer together. Some astronomers think that a gravitational or magnetic disturbance causes the nebula to collapse. As the gases collect, they lose potential energy, which results in an increase in temperature. 

As the collapse continues, the temperature increases. The collapsing cloud separates into many smaller clouds, each of which may eventually become a star. The core of the cloud collapses faster than the outer parts, and the cloud begins to rotate faster and faster to conserve angular momentum. When the core reaches a temperature of about 2,000 degrees Kelvin, the molecules of hydrogen gas break apart into hydrogen atoms. Eventually the core reaches a temperature of 10,000 degrees Kelvin, and it begins to look like a star when fusion reactions begin. When it has collapsed to about 30 times the size of our sun, it becomes a protostar. 

When the pressure and temperature in the core become great enough to sustain nuclear fusion, the outward pressure acts against the gravitational force. At this stage the core is about the size of our sun. The remaining dust envelope surrounding the star heats up and glows brightly in the infrared part of the spectrum. At this point the visible light from the new star cannot penetrate the envelope. Eventually, radiation pressure from the star blows away the envelope and the new star begins its evolution. The properties and lifetime of the new star depend on the amount of gas that remains trapped. A star like our sun has a lifetime of about 10 billion years and is just middle-aged, with another five billion years or so left.

Hope i helped! :D

The nitrogen containing base that is only found in rna is ?


The nitrogen containing base in RNA is uracil. It is not present in DNA
Uracil is the nitrogen containing base present in RNA.