This is 5th grade work if you needed to know
This is 5th grade work if you needed to know - 1


Answer 1
Answer: To find volume multiply base times width times height. 
The dimensions of the fridge is 36 x 35 x 70. 
Multiply 36 x 35 to get 1260. 
Multiply 1260 x 70 to get 88200. 
The volume of the fridge is: 88,200 cubic inches. 
Hope this helps!
Answer 2


88,200 cubeic in.

88,200 = volume

Step-by-step explanation:

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Which is a solution to the equation?(x - 3)(x - 5) = 35
x= -8
x = 10



Multiply the brackets together



Move +35 to the other side. Sign changes from +35 to -35




x-10=0     x+2=0

Move -10 to the other side. Sign changes from -10 to +10

x-10+10=0+10   x+2-2=0-2

 x=10                      x=-2

Answer: x=10

Answer: x = 10

Just plug in the different numbers to see which ones equal 35.

I’m going to plug in x = -8 into the equation
(x - 3)(x - 5) = 35
(-8 - 3)(-8 - 5) = 35 (substitute -8 for x)
(-11)(-13) = 35
143 = 35
This answer is wrong because 143 does not equal 35

Now let’s plug in x = 10
(x - 3)(x - 5) = 35
(10 - 3)(10 - 5) = 35 (substitute 10 for x)
(7)(5) = 35
35 = 35
This solution works because 35 equals 35

1 roller - skate has 4 wheels. how may wheels are there altogether if there was 236 pairs of roller - skates


944, all you have to do is multiply 236 by 4 and you'll get your answer since each individual skate has 4 wheels.
944 pairs of roller skates all together :) (Plz mark me brainliest)

3 times 9 times 10 to the first power


3 times 9 is 27. 10 times 27 is 270. Then take that to the first power. When you take something to the FIRST power the number stays the same because there is nothing to multiply it by. So your answer would be 270.

What is the equation of the graphed line?Hint: Determine the slope of the line.

y =


y=mx+b is slope intercept form. The slope of that line is 1/1 because the line goes up one over one. The y intercept is the origin (0) because that is where the line touches the y intercept for the first time. So the equation would be y=1/1x+0 I think. Im pretty sure thats what it is.

Write the rate 1/7 inch----------------- as a unit rate
1/14 minute





The rate is 2 inches per minute

Final answer:

The unit rate for the given problem, 1/7 inch per 1/14 minute, is calculated by dividing the inches by the minutes. This simplifies to 2 inches per minute.


In mathematics, a unit rate is a rate in which the second number (or denominator) is one. When you are asked to write the rate 1/7 inch per 1/14 minute as a unit rate, you are being asked to find a rate that tells you how much of each quantity occurs for each single unit of the other quantity, in this case for 1 minute. To calculate this unit rate, divide the quantity in inches by the quantity in minutes.

In this problem, you can find the required unit rate by dividing (1/7) by (1/14), which simplifies to (1/7) * (14/1) = 2 inches. So, the unit rate for this problem is 2 inches per minute.

Learn more about Unit Rate here:


Please help :-( thanks


The shaded part is four little blocks, and its area is ' 1 '.
So the area of each little block is 1/4 .

The part with crosses covers two little blocks.
So its area is (2 x 1/4) = 1/2 .