Can someone tell me what to do on this ):
Can someone tell me what to do on this ): - 1


Answer 1
Answer: On the periodic table, you will see that they are grouped into different groups. Well, on the right, you have the groups, obviously. You are supposed to match the elements to the group that it is in.

(If you don't know the groups, you can find one online under images.)
Hope this helps! Please give brainliest answer!

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Meiosis produces which cell type? haploid diploid chromosome somatic


Eukaryote organisms have diploid cells with 23 pairs of chromosomes (46 in total). Meiosis (unlike mitosis) produces gametes which have only 23 singular chromosomes each.
These sex cells are known as haploid cells.

The four daughter cells are formed during meiosis. It is a reduction division that results in the formation of four haploid daughter cells.

Further Explanation:

Meiosis is the process that supports the division of single-cell twice. It results in the formation of four daughter cells. This process involves DNA replication that occurs in two cycles namely meiosis I and meiosis II. Each cell contains half the number of chromosomes (haploid).  

Meiosis I and meiosis II both contain four steps they are prophase, metaphase, anaphase and telophase.  

(a) Prophase: It is the first step of the meiotic division that hasthe longest period. It is further divided into five phases depending upon their chromosomal behaviour. The following stages are the leptotene stage, zygotene stage, pachytene stage, diplotene stage and diakinesis.

(b) Metaphase: During this phase, thechromosomes that bivalent in structure get aligned to the equatorial plates through spindle fibres. The microtubules are formed from the opposite poles of the spindle fibre that are attached to each pair of the homologous chromosome.

(c) Anaphase: In this stage, the chromosome is separated whereas the sister chromatids are remains associated at their centromeres.

(d) Telophase: This is the last stage of the cycle in which the nuclear membrane and nucleolus reappear. Cytokinesis of cells takes place and is called a died of cells.

Learn more:

1. Learn more about meiosis

2. Learn more about the process of molecular diffusion in a cell

3. Learn more about human sperm and egg cell

Answer Details:

Grade: High School

Subject: Biology

Chapter: Cell cycle and cell division


Cytokinesis, DNA replication, tetrad formation, chromosomes, meiosis I, meiosis II, anaphase metaphase, Zygotene, Leptotene, Pachytene, diakinesis, prophase, meiosis.

what does 50 percent humidity mean? A. The air contains 50 percent of the moisture it can hold before precipitation occurs B. There is a 50 percent change of precipitation C. The air temperature is 50 degrees celsius D. There is a 50 percent chance of a thunderstorm occurring


Answer: The correct answer is-

A. The air contains 50 percent of the moisture it can hold before precipitation occurs.

Humidity can be described as the presence of gaseous state of water (that is water vapor) in the atmosphere or air.

It indicates the chances of occurance of precipitation or fog in the weather.

50% humidity represents the relative humidity, indicating that air is 50% saturated with moisture, which could be held by air before precipitation occurs .

50% humidity indicates that before precipitation the air withholds 50% moisture and it is known as relative humidity.

Further Explanation:

The amount of moisture the air contains is defined by humidity. A particular amount of water vapor is present in the air which depends on the temperature of the air. The warmer air contains holds more water within it. The relative humidity is defined as the content of water vapor found in the air in relation to the amount it can actually hold. When the relative humidity is low, it implies that the air can comparatively withhold more moisture at that particular temperature and this makes the air dry.

For example, it is estimated that a cubic meter of air is able to hold 18grams of water as a maximum value at 20 degrees C. Similarly, at 25 degrees C, 22 grams of water can be held by the air. Therefore, if 22 grams of water is contained in a cubic meter of air at 25 degrees C, then there is 100% relative humidity. But if the same amount of air holds 11 grams of water, the relative humidity is said to be 50%.

The relative humidity plays a major role in maintaining our level of comfort. A 100% relative humidity means that there will be no evaporation of water and the moisture has fully saturated the air. For cooling, the body requires to evaporate the moisture from the skin. A low relative humidity enables the body to release moisture and make the body cooler. At 100% relative humidity, the body feels much hotter as compared to the actual temperature. This is because the body does not sweat to evaporate due to high humidity.

Learn More:

1. Learn more about the effects of vigorous exercise on cardiorespiratory system

2. Learn more about the structure of epithelium and connective tissue

3. Learn more about the secondary function of the lymphatic system

Answer Details:

Grade: High School

Chapter: Relative Humidity

Subject: Biology


Humidity, relative humidity, water, water vapor, moisture, temperature, evaporation.  

Name one type of bacteria that has developed resistance to certain antibiotics


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Which of the following accurately describes a step within transcription?a. DNA polymerase uses one strand of RNA as a template to put together nucleotides.
b. The RNA strand is produced within the cytoplasm.
c. The DNA strand is used as a template for which a complementary RNA strand can be produced.
d. The RNA strand forms a template by which DNA can be built


The step within transcription is C.) The DNA strand is used as a template for which a complementary RNA strand can be produced.

Transcription is the transfer of genetic instructions from DNA to mRNA. It is in this process that a strand of mRNA is made that is complementary to the strand of DNA.

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