which of Martin Luthers disagreements with the Catholic Church do you think were most influenced by the Renaissance idea of humanism


Answer 1
Answer: Luther believed that man can be saved by faith alone.  To him it is a more personal relationshipwith God. Like the humanists of the Renaissance era, he questioned by many ofthe Church’s use of sacraments and practices and concentrated more on the faithof person in Jesus Christ.  He alsobecame disillusioned with the Church due to the many practices that he saw ascorrupting the faith.  He was against theselling of indulgences which was salvation for the soul by either performing agood deed or paying a sum of money.
Answer 2


That all people should be allowed to read the bible. Everyone has their oneinterpretation on certain ideas and beliefs so why would you force someone to believe in  one priest interpretation of the bible. What made them think that they had that much power.


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The answer is: United States would have a deficit of $11 billion in the given year.

A trade surplus occurs when a country exports more than it imports. On the other hand, a deficit is when a country imports more products than it exports.

In the above example, the United States is exporting only $5 billion of goods but importing $16 billion of products. This means that the total trade deficit in the example is 16-5 = $11 billion.

This actually represents the current situation of the United States where it has a significant trade deficit with many major economies in the world, most noticeably with China.

The correct answer is: "The US has a trade deficit of $11 billion".

If the amount of goods imported in a country exceeds the amount of goods exported, like in the case presented, there had been a trade deficit. It can be also said that the country has registered a negative balance of payments. In this scenario, the country will have to seek for resources to finance that difference between the inflows and outflows. Moreover, a trade deficit represents an outflow of domestic currency to foreign markets.

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The right answer for the question that is being asked and shown above is that: "D. sales of food and cash crops." Henry Clay planned to fund the American System largely through D. sales of food and cash crops.
I just took the test and the answer is A) tariffs on foreign imports.

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