Which is biotic? water temperature beeswax snow


Answer 1
Answer: Bees wax is biotic. 

Biotic means something that is related to or resulted from living things. Bio means life. Bees wax are produced by honey bees. It comes from a living thing, thus, it is biotic.

Water, temperature, and snow are all abiotic. Abiotic means "no life" or nonliving. They are not derived from any living thing. 

Answer 2

The biotic component is beeswax

Beeswax is a biotic component because it includes organic products from bee producers

Further explanation

Living things need the environment as a place to live. The natural living place of this living creature is known as habitat. There is a reciprocal relationship between living things and their environment called the ecosystem. This ecosystem itself consists of biotic components, namely living things themselves and abiotic components, namely inanimate objects.

These biotic components are plants, animals and humans

While abiotic components are water, air, and soil

The biotic component itself can be classified again into components of producers, consumers, and decomposers.

Producers are organisms that are capable of producing organic material from inorganic materials

For example, the process of photosynthesis

Producers, for example, green plants, phytoplankton, or algae

Consumers are creatures that depend on other living things such as carnivores, herbivores

Decomposers, for example, bacteria and fungi

From the choices available, temperature, water, and snow are abiotic components because they are inanimate objects.

While beeswax is one of the products produced by bees other than honey and pollen

Beeswax is generally used as a cosmetic ingredient especially for the health of human skin

So beeswax is a biotic component because it includes organic products from bee producers

Learn more

ecosystems consist of


mushrooms biotic or abiotic


the term includes all the biotic and abiotic elements


The biotic factors of the ecosystem


Keywords: biotic, abiotic, beeswax

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This condition might have arised due to  recent round of antibiotics that had killed the bacteria which live in his gut and had allowed a yeast species to grow.


Here, it is given:

  • Man when showed up at a medical facility felt drunk but he had not ingested any alcohol.
  • His blood alcohol has measured 0.37 which is many times a legal limit.
  • Also he claimed that he is home brewer and that intoxication showed is without any consumption of alcohol.

So, this condition can be hypothysed as the man may be on dosage of antibiotics. Whwn human body intakes an amount of antibiotics it kills the bacteria which is present in oue gut and allows an yeast formation to grow there.

So, this might be hypothysed from the given situation.

This condition of his can be changed by putting him on probiotics and by keeping him on a low carbohydrate diet for a week and then recheck for this alcohol consumption test.

Surely, this condition will improve.

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- They have mesodermal skeleton made of calcareous plates or ossicles.  

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