The 10th amendment of the Bill Of Rights was intended to?


Answer 1
Answer: The full text of the amendment reads as follows: The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

They implemented this into the constitution in order to give more power to the states/people in creating and executing laws. Each state is needed to follow a certain set of rules and regulations. The state is not allowed to create laws that change or remove those sets of rules. However the state IS able to create laws outside of that, like school districts, housing, marriage, etc.

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the government has laws so they do not interfere with certain rights of individuals. it gives us, the people, specific rights...hope this helps lol

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he wanted slavery outlawed


the south wanted to keep their slavery due to the agricultural opportunities but Lincoln said it wasn't right and then the south became their own

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The rate of heat transfers the direction of the wind. Day, the shore warm up more easily than water. Night, shore warm up slower than water. the result is a see breeze.
The sun goes down at night giving no heat

I will mark as the brainliest answer please check if my answers are right and if I don't have an answer circled please tell me it ​


1 is wrong the answer is a
2 is c
9 is a
12 is b