The __________ is used for an event that has been completed before the present moment in time.simple past
past perfect
perfect progressive
past perfect progressive


Answer 1
Answer: Answer: Past perfect

The type of verb tense that is being used for an event that has been completed before the present moment in time or before something else occurs is called the past perfect tense. This verb tense is formed by the use of the verb "to have or to had" followed by a past participle form of the verb. An example of a sentence using the past perfect tense of the verb is as follows : 

When I went to school yesterday, the teacher was already gone.

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Which best describes language?

Write P (positive) N (negative) or B (both)next to the adjectives below. Then. fill in the gaps.

1. suprised ....
2. frightened ....
3. happy ....
4. sad ....
5. thrilled ....
6. tired....
7. nervous.....
8, bored ....

A He can't find his eat. He feels . . .

B There's nothing to do. I feel . . . . .

C She screams when she sees a spider.
She feels . . . . . . . . . .


A) Sad, He cant find his item, he is sad.
B)Bored, being board is most commonly used when there would to be nothing to do.
C)Frightened, for all the obvious reasons the spider is frightening her. 

Select the sentence with a clause used as a predicate noun. The boy who arrived here Tuesday was running late. We left the diner late because we saw some old friends. The reason she bought those shoes was that her friend told her to.


I believe the correct answer is the third sentence, because a predicate noun is the first noun which follows a linking verb (such as appear, be, etc.), and the third sentence is the only such sentence. The predicate noun would be 'friend', because it follows a verb 'was'. 


sentence number three


Which should always be included in a example for a writing


The type of essay format that you are writing with

*When do you eat your breakfast? (change into passive voice0*Where does she keep her money? (change into passive voice)
*What do you see?(change into passive voice)
*Which pen do you like?(change into passive voice)
*He is driving a car.(change into passive voice)
*Why are you abusing him?(change into passive voice)
*Who is singing a song?(change into passive voice)
*What are they doing?(change into passive voice)
*I have kept my promise.(change into passive voice)
*Have you taken medicine?(change into passive voice)
*Who has torn this letter?(change into passive voice)
*What have you done?(change into passive voice)
*why have you wound the watch?(change into passive voice)
*the cat drank all the milk.(change into passive voice)


You want 14 answers in return for 7 points ...
a generous offer of 1/2 point per answer.

Tell you what I'll do:  This site offers homework 'help', not an
easy supply of answers.  I'll answer the first 7, and that should
be enough help for you to answer the last 7 on your own. 

When do you eat your breakfast?    When is your breakfast eaten (by you) ?
Where does she keep her money?    Where is her money kept (by her) ?
What do you see?                              What is seen (by you) ?
Which pen do you like?                     Which pen is liked (by you) ?
He is driving a car.                             A car is being driven by him.
Why are you abusing him?                Why is he being abused by you ?
Who is singing a song?                     By whom is a song being sung ?

Take it !

when will breakfast be eaten by you?
where will money be kept by her?
what will be seen by her?
which pen will be liked by her?
a car is being driven by him?
why is he being abused by you?
a song is being sung by whom?
what is being done by them?
he/she has kept his/her promise
has medicine been taken by her?
this letter has been torn by whom?
what has been done by him?
why that watch has been wound by her?
all the milk has been drunken by the cat.

choose the plural noun that's spelled correctly?

A Fathers-in-law

D Editor in chiefs
