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Answer 1
Answer: Notice the following signs in the image.
"vox populi" which means "voice of the people"
Polling Booth Who is not with us is against us.
Tank as the voting booth.

The image depicts gross intimidation of Hitler to the voting people. It is ironic that even though the image said voice of the people, it is very obvious that the voice of the people are controlled by Hitler and his army. 
Any one who is not for Hitler will be treated as his enemy and will be subject to extreme measure of punishment as befits his enemies.
Hitler's victory in the election is assured because everyone will surely vote for  him or lose their lives. 

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"Marriages were arranged by parents to benefit the family" is the most accurate regarding marriage in Colonial America.



The most accurate statement regarding marriage in Colonial America is that marriages were arranged by parents to benefit the family.

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It's important to note that while arranged marriages were common, there were exceptions and variations in different regions and communities within Colonial America. Some couples did have a say in their choice of spouse, especially in cases where they had a strong voice within their family or community. However, the general trend was for marriages to be arranged by parents for the benefit of the family.

alli <3

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