''When one door closes another opens'' What are some examples of a creative writing topic
plzzzz answer


Answer 1
Answer: Some creative writing topics:-

- The mystery of the 3 triangles
- When night turns to day
- Tamim Aldari and his mysterious discovery 

Random topics that I found interesting. 
Answer 2
Answer: a door maze with 3 kids (16,15,13) on a different planet trying to ecsape little did they know that...

let me know what the story is thanks

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For every inch of rain, there would be 10 inches of snow. So.... 
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So, instead of 2 inches of rain per day, there would have been 20 inches of snow per day.
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So your answer would be 60 inches of snow

Your Welcome!!!
The answer is 60 inches of snow you multiply 20 ×3= 60

Hoping this will help

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It should be underlined


if im not mistaken



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The correct order of first, then, last and next:

Well, think about it: First means, well, first - in the beginning. So we can leave first where it's at.

Now, where do you think last would go? In the back, right?

Wait a minute! We're not finished yet!

Just switch the then and next so that they're in opposite places:

Your words should now look like this -

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I'll give you an example using all these words in a tiny paragraph.

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Last, she arrived home and drank some of her milk.

↑   ↑   ↑  Hope this helps! :D

The correct order would be First, Next, Then, And Last.

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The answer is B. verb, because mopped= clean or soak up (something) by wiping. It's an action.




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