One reason that life as we know it is unlikely to exist on Venus is becauseA. the surface temperature is too high.
B. the surface temperature is too low.
C. the surface has too much ice covering it.
D. there is no atmosphere.


Answer 1
Answer: Venus is the second planet closeto the sun. It revolves around the sun faster than the earth. It has a thickatmosphere wherein it traps heat from the sun. The trapped heat creates arunaway of greenhouse effect that elevates the surface temperature of Venus. Ithas a surface temperature of 480 °C that can dissolve some metals found inearth such as lead. Because of this temperature, no ice could ever form on itssurface. The answer is letter A.
Answer 2

Answer:   the surface temperature is too high


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The best answer would be the arguments between the government officials of the United States and Panama. The disagreements between the United States and Panama government leaders pretty much delayed the construction since the region was in a phase where they had a change in the way of leading.


Edmentum correct: Identify two factors that slowed construction of the Panama Canal.


-Deaths of workers from accidents and yellow fever.

-Political conflicts over ceding ownership of the land.


A capital city has a population of 14.2 million. It is estimated that the birth rate of this population is 2.8% per year whereas the death rate of the population is 1.8% per year. Assume that the birth rate and the death rate stay the same each year. Find the population of the capital city after 2 years.



14,462,000 people.


To find the population of the capital city after 2 years, you can use the formula for population growth with constant birth and death rates. The formula is:

P(t)=P(0)∗(1+r)tP(t)=P(0)∗(1+r)t where: P(t) is the population after tt years.P(0) is the initial population (14.2 million in this case).rr is the net growth rate (birth rate - death rate), which is 2.8% - 1.8% = 1.0% or 0.01 as a is the number of years (2 years in this case).Now, plug in the values and calculate:


So, the population of the capital city after 2 years is approximately 14,462,000 people.