Round 649,418 to the nearest ten,_____,nearest hundred_____,nearest thousand_____,nearest ten thousand_____,nearest hundred thousand______


Answer 1

The approximations of 649,418 are as follows;

Nearest ten = 649,420

Nearest hundred = 649,400

Nearest thousand = 649000

Nearest ten thousand = 650000

Nearest hundred thousand = 600000

  • This is about approximation of whole numbers.

  • When given whole numbers, the last number from the right is called units and the next is called tens followed by hundreds then thousands, then ten thousands, then hundred thousands e.t.c.

  • We are given the number 649,418; It means;

Units digit is 8

Tens digit is 1

Hundreds digit is 4

Thousands digit is 9

Ten thousands digit 4

Hundred thousands digit is 6

1) Approximating the nearest tenmeans if the units digit is 5 or more than 5, we add 1 to the tens digit. In this case, we will have; 649,420.

2) Approximating thenearest hundred means if the tens digit is 5 or more than 5, we add 1 to the hundreds digit otherwise we leave it and make every other term to its' right 0 to get; 649,400.

3) Approximating thenearest thousand means if the hundreds digit is 5 or more than 5, we add 1 to the thousands digit otherwise we leave it and make every other term to its's right 0 to get; 649,000.

4) Approximating thenearest ten thousand means if the thousands digit is 5 or more than 5, we add 1 to the ten thousand digit to get 650,000.

5) Approximating the nearest hundred thousandmeans if the ten thousand digit is 5 or more than 5, we add 1 to the hundred thousand digit otherwise we leave it and make every other term 0 to get 600,000.

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Answer 2
Answer: I think the answers are for nearest ten:649,420,nearest hundred:649,400,nearest thousand:649,000,nearest ten thousand:650,000,nearest hundred thousand: 600,000.hope this helps☺

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