The caste system in india was used for what purpose A) to ensure that all people had an adequate income

B)to prevent the rich from taking to much power

C) To provide social control and conformity acording to ones birth

D) to draft a military capable of defending india from mongol invasion


Answer 1

The correct answer is "C".

The caste system in India is a class structure which determines the position of an individual in the social pyramid according to the household he was born in. It originated during the Sangam period, around 300 BCE. It creates the ideology that if one is born poor, he will remain poor for the rest of his life. On the other hand, if one is born rich, he will probably thrive in life. This system completely nullifies social class escalation, as it labels it as a nearly impossible option that a poor person could escape from his fate.

Answer 2
Answer: The Caste System in India was used to provide social control and conformity according to ones birth

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Huey Long who was a governor in Louisiana and later became a Senator in 1932. He was known for the phrase " SHARE OUR WEALTH" he used in the defense against President Franklin D. Roosevelt during the era of  NEW DEAL.

However, Long assertion was based mainly on the redistribution of wealth among the poor and the rich. He canvasses that the rich one should pay more tax. He proposed that the wealth of the rich with over $3million  should be taking over and giving to the less previleged ones with a  wealth of $5,000. He also states that the federal government was having a too cordial relationship with the high and mighty in the society and as a result neglecting the working class in the society.

Long thinking was that the government should tax the rich use the money to provide accommodation, cars for the people. Long was however killed in 1936.

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