India's economy is __________ than Japan's economy.A) More developed
B) Not as market-oriented
C) More focused on exports
D) Less government-control

Will give best answer, and will thank. Please hurry I appreciate any help. :)


Answer 1




Not as market-oriented. For sure those countries are very different. Japan is a country with a high developed business, market, technology, culture. India is an emerging economy, subsistence agriculture, still developing technology and trade markets.

Answer 2
Answer: i think the answer is C.more focused on exports

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John Dickinson drafted the Olive Branch Petition, which was adopted by the Second Continental Congress on July 5 and submitted to King George on July 8, 1775. It was an attempt to assert the rights of the colonists while maintaining their loyalty to the British crown.

Final answer:

The Olive Branch Petition was a final attempt by the Second Continental Congress to restore peace with Great Britain, but it was rejected by King George III. This rejection further fueled the colonists' desire for independence and eventually led to the Declaration of Independence in 1776.


The Olive Branch Petition was a significant event in the lead-up to the American Revolution. It was a final attempt by the Second Continental Congress to restore peace and harmony with Great Britain. The impact of the Olive Branch Petition was that it revealed a divide between those who still sought reconciliation with Britain and those who were ready for independence.

The Olive Branch Petition was sent to King George III in 1775, expressing the colonists' grievances and requesting a peaceful resolution to the conflict. However, the petition was rejected by the king and the British government.

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Learn more about the impact of the Olive Branch Petition here:


HELP PLEASE!!1. How did the colonists boycott and use petitions to get British tax laws repealed?

2. What role did the committees of correspondence play?

3. What details about the colonists response to the Stamp Act tell you that it was one cause of the American Revolution?

4. Based on James Otis’s response to British writs of assistance, what concerns did the colonists have about British searches?

5. Based on James Otis’s response to British writs of assistance, what concerns did the colonists have about British searches?



In October of 1765, delegates from 9 colonies met to issue petitions to the British Government denying Parliament's authority to tax the colonies. ... The repeal of the Stamp Act temporarily quieted colonial protest, but there was renewed resistance to new taxes instituted in 1767 under the Townshend Acts.

On the verge of the American Revolution, Committees of Correspondence were formed in cities and regions throughout the American colonies. ... The Committees of Correspondence rallied colonial opposition against British policy and established a political union among the Thirteen Colonies.

Although resented, the Sugar Act tax was hidden in the cost of import duties, and most colonists accepted it. The Stamp Act, however, was a direct tax on the colonists and led to an uproar in America over an issue that was to be a major cause of the Revolution: taxation without representation.

Based on James Otis's response to British writs of assistance, what concerns did the colonists have about British searches? The colonist protested the writs of assistance saying it violated their rights as British citizens.

Final answer:

The colonists boycotted British goods and used petitions to protest against British tax laws. Committees of correspondence played a role in coordinating resistance efforts among the colonies. The colonists' response to the Stamp Act showed their growing dissatisfaction and willingness to challenge British authority. The concerns of the colonists about British searches were based on their belief in the violation of their rights to privacy and property.


1. The colonists boycotted British goods as a form of protest against the tax laws imposed by the British government. They organized boycotts of British goods and encouraged domestic production. Additionally, they used petitions to voice their grievances and demand the repeal of these tax laws.

2. The committees of correspondence played a crucial role in coordinating the resistance efforts among the colonies. They were committees established in various colonies to share information and coordinate actions against British policies. They facilitated communication and unity among the colonies, which was essential in organizing and mobilizing against British rule.

3. The colonists' response to the Stamp Act included widespread protests, boycotts, and acts of violence against British officials. This level of resistance and defiance demonstrated a growing sense of dissatisfaction and a willingness to challenge British authority. The Stamp Act crisis marked a turning point towards increasing tensions that eventually led to the American Revolution.

4. The colonists were concerned about the British authorities' power to conduct searches without specific warrants. They believed it violated their rights to privacy and property. They were worried about arbitrary and intrusive searches and saw this as a violation of their natural rights as British subjects.

Learn more about the American Revolution here:


In what ways are the life of the Inuits similar to my life and what ways are they different?


The one that are different :
- even until today , the inuit live without monetary system, 
- Between the age of 14-15 , they will be arranged for marriage with their parents

the one that is same :
- Like us, they also care about their diet and calorie intake
- They currently aso live in a household just like us

Answer: They also supplied their own health care, recreation and education,  Inuit life is very different in the Canadian Arctic today. They visited the same seasonal hunting and fishing camps each year to. They would give elaborate accounts of the animal's behaviour and how they responded to that behaviour.
