How do t cells differ from b cells


Answer 1
Answer: They are different because of the person or animal that has those cells and also because of blood loss and infections

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What happens immediately before a volcano erupts?


Well, the cause of a volcanic eruption is when the lower crust melts. This leads to the formation of magma. The volcano is an opening through which the magma is discharged. The rock inside the earth melts. This magma is diffused upwards through the volcano. If magma reaches the top of the volcano, it behaviour depends on viscosity. So what happens before a volcanic eruption is that the lower crust melts, causing the formation of magma, which is released through the volcano. Hope i helped. 

Which clement is a liquid at STP?
(1) bromine (3) francium

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(1) bromine ..................
(1) Bromine is the correct answer.

In liters, occupied by 2.18 miles of N2 gas



The volume occupied by 2.18 moles of N_(2) is 48.832L


The volume occupied by 1 mole of N_(2) is 22.4 L

The volume occupied by 1 mole of any gas is 22.4 L

The number of moles of N_(2) = 2.18 moles

The volume occupied by 2.18 moles of N_(2):


Hence, the volume occupied by 2.18 moles of N_(2) is 48.832L

The phase of matter can be changed by:1. increasing temperature
2. decreasing mass
3. increasing volume
4. all of the above


1. Increasing the temperature


1. Increasing temperature


Hope this helps.

Why is an oxygen molecule more stable than and oxygen atom ?


The diatomic oxygen has been more stable than the atom of oxygen due to the presence of a covalent bond.

The oxygen has been the nonmetal with 6 valence electrons. In order to attain a stable configuration, oxygen has to gain 2 electrons.

The elemental oxygen present in nature has been diatomic oxygen. The diatomic oxygen has been formed by the sharing of the 2 electrons of each atom resulting in the formation of the covalent bond.

The covalent bond formation helps the oxygen atom to attain the noble gas configuration. Thus, diatomic oxygen has been more stable than atomic oxygen.

For more information about the stability of the oxygen, refer to the link:


Both atoms in an O2 molecule have achieved a noble gas electron configuration. – An oxygen atom does not have a stable octet of valence electrons.


Check all items common to bases.minerals


OH- is common to bases.


The base is a is an ionic compounds which when placed in aqueous solution dissociates in to a cation and an anion OH-.

The presence of OH- in the solution shows that the solution is basic or alkaline.

From Bronsted and Lowry concept base is a molecule that accepts a proton for example in NaOH, Na is a proton donor and OH is the proton acceptor.

A base accepts hydrogen ion and the concentration of OH is always higher in base.

There is a presence of conjugate acid and conjugate base in the Bronsted and Lowry acid and base.

Conjugate acid is one which is formed when a base gained a proton.

Conjugate base is one which is formed when an acid looses a proton.

And from the Arrhenius base Theory, the base is one that dissociates in to water as OH-.


metal and OH-
