What are some facts about the Ku Klux Klan(KKK)?


Answer 1
Answer: they were southerners after the civil war that disagreed with the new rights the african americans had been given. they started a "secret" (more anonymous) organization to lower the blacks again. they went out dressed fully in white, (even the horses) and terrorized the african people. they would gladly murder, lynch, and destroy any african who opposed them. they were able to get some africans to give up their voting rights, which the KKK wanted.
i hope this helps :)
Answer 2
Answer: they did not like african americans thats the number one fact

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Since the Constitution was first written, there have been arguments about how much power the states should have versus how much power the federal government should have. Slavery was more than a political problem that divided the North from the South, it was also an economical and moral problem. The US Constitution permitted each state of the Federal Union to decide for itself whether or not slavery was permitted within its boundaries. States' rights says that states have the right to judge when the national government has passed an unconstitutional law. Many southerners warned that they would secede if Lincoln was elected. When Lincoln was elected, South Carolina became the first state to secede. By February 1861, six more states seceded. They became the Confederate States of America and named Jefferson Davis their president. These tensions ultimately lead to a succession of states that resulted in the Civil War.

America's leaders from both the North and South proposed a series of compromises that politicians hoped would prevent the issue of slavery from disrupting the political process, the Compromise of 1850, the Kansas Nebraska Act of 1854, Dred Scott decision 1857 and the Lincoln Douglas debates in 1858. These tensions formed political compromises, moral issues, and the economic issue of the slave power. The Southern states felt that the federal government was taking away their rights and powers, which ultimately lead to a succession of states that resulted in the Civil War.

The US Constitution permitted each state of the Federal Union to decide for itself whether or not slavery was permitted within its boundaries. As a previous Senator to Mississippi before he was elected president, he wanted to grow even more support from the Southern states.

The Confederacy formed in 1861 by the Southern states after their secession from the U.S.. President Jefferson Davis was elected to lead the Confederacy. The Confederate Constitution supported state's rights, and protected slavery in the Confederacy, including any territories it might acquire.

The debate and compromises over whether slavery should be allowed in Kansas and Nebraska led to the Kansa-Nebraska Act established in 1854, which created two new territories and allowed settlers to determine whether they would enter the Union as free states or slave states.

Who led an expedition to explore the Louisiana Territory? A. Banneker and Ellicott B. Thomas Jefferson C. Lewis and Clark D. Andrew Jackson


The answer would be C.Lewis and Clark.

C. Louis and Clark led the expedition with help from sacagewea

OC-LCISD-US GovernmentRevenue bills can be proposed only by?

the House
the Senate.
the Speaker.
the President



Revenue bills can be proposed only by the House


  • All revenue-raising bills has its origin in the "House of Representatives"; but, like other bills, the "Senate" can propose or agree to amendments.
  • The income bill focuses on fund-raising strategies, such as charges, client expenses, responsibilities to customs, and duties.
  • Revenue-generating bills for other purposes will not be included.
  • It allows house to pass it rather than the senate.
  • The primary method of implementing the origination clause by the House is through "blue-slipping" process.
  • "Blue-slipping" is the term referring to the process of returning to the "Senate" a procedure decided by the House in violation of its privileges as specified by the Clause of Origin.

Why had the North and the South grown so far apart by 1861?A.
The North opposed the idea that a state could leave the Union, but the South supported it.

The South wanted to start a colony for freed slaves in Africa, but the North rejected the plan.

The South demanded more railroads, but the North refused to pay the costs of construction.

The North wanted to end all immigration to keep wages high, but the South needed more factory workers.


"The North opposed the idea that a state could leave the Union, but the South supported it" is the best option from the list but all this had to do with the issue of slavery. 
A.  North opposed the idea that a state could leave the Union but the South supported it

english act heavily taxed goods shipped in the southern colonies and other countries other then England


These were referred to as the "Navigation Acts," and were imposed on the colonies by Great Britain in order to increase revenue, but met with great backlash from the colonists. 


Navigation Acts

The English Navigation Acts heavily taxed goods shipped in the Southern Colonies and countries other than England


In October of 1651, the English Parliament passed its Navigation Acts of 1651. These acts were designed to tighten the government's control over trade between England, its colonies, and the rest of the world.

The reason for the First Navigation Act was to restrict Dutch shipping. The Dutch were the biggest competition to England. The rise of the Dutch carrying trade threatened to drive English shipping from the seas.

What event most caused Americans to fear the Soviet Union


The Red Scare.............

the red scare caused the americans to fear the soviet union