Which homeostatic process requires energy to move particles across the plasma membrane?1.active transport
2.passive transport
3.dynamic equilibrium


Answer 1

The right answer is 1. active transport.

Active transport refers to the passage of an ion or molecule across a membrane against its concentration gradient.

If the process uses chemical energy produced, for example, by the hydrolysis of a nucleotide triphosphate such as adenosine triphosphate, it is called primary active transport.

Active transport is opposed to passive transport, which does not use energy.

Answer 2

Active transport is the homeostatic process that requires energy to move particles across the plasma membrane.

Further Explanation

Transport in living organisms

  • Plants and animals use various processes to transport materials from one point to another.
  • There are classified as either passive transport or active transport.

Active transport  

  • It is a type of transport in living organisms that involves movement of substances against a concentration gradient through the plasma membrane.
  • It  involves use of energy in form of ATP to aid transport of substances.

Passive transport

  • It is a type of transport that does not involve the use of energy to aid movement of substances in living organisms.
  • Passive transport involves free movement of substances and through special types of transporters or carriers.
  • Types of passive transport includes; simple diffusion, facilitated diffusion, osmosis, and mass flow among others.

Types of passive transport

Facilitated diffusion

  • Facilitated diffusion is a type of passive transport which involves the diffusion of solutes by use of transport proteins in the plasma membrane.
  • Facilitated diffusion uses transport proteins to transport solutes down their concentration gradient.


  • Osmosis is a special diffusion that involves the movement of water molecules from a region where they are highly concentrated to a region where they are lowly concentrated through a semipermeable membrane.
  • It may also refer to the movement of water molecules from a region of low particle concentration to a region of a high particle concentration.


  • Diffusion is a type of passive transport that involves movement of particles from a region of high concentration to a region of low concentration.
  • Diffusion involves movement of molecules of substances other than water.

Keywords: Active transport, Passive transport, Diffusion, Osmosis,

Learn more about:  

Level: High school  

Subject: Biology

Topic: Transport in living organisms

Sub-topic: Passive transport

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B) are heterotrophs.
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The base of the pyramid is built from organisms that are primarily autotrophs, which is option A, as autotrophs are organisms that produce their own food using energy from the sun or from inorganic substances, such as certain types of bacteria that use chemosynthesis.

What are autotrophs?

The base of the pyramid in an ecological pyramid is built from organisms that are primarily autotrophs. Autotrophs are organisms that are capable of producing their own food using energy from the sun or from inorganic compounds. They are also known as primary producers, and they form the base of the food chain in most ecosystems. Examples of autotrophs include plants, algae, and some bacteria. As the base of the pyramid, autotrophs support all other organisms in the ecosystem as they provide the energy and nutrients necessary for their survival.

Hence, the base of the pyramid is built from organisms that are primarily autotrophs, which is option A, as autotrophs are organisms that produce their own food using energy from the sun or from inorganic substances, such as certain types of bacteria that use chemosynthesis.

Learn more about the autotrophs here.



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Awnser b is correct

The function of angiotensin II is to ________.A. constrict arterioles and increase blood pressure
B. decrease the production of aldosterone
C. decrease arterial blood pressure
D. decrease water absorption


Answer: A. constrict arterioles and increase blood pressure


Angiotensin II, is a hormone that binds to many receptors in the body to affect several systems. It can cause constricting of the blood vessels, increases thirst, stimulates the secretion of the hormone that is involved in the fluid retention in the body.  

The angiotensin may cause vasoconstriction directly and indirectly. When the angiotension II levels are increased in the blood due to the activation of the renin-angiotension-aldosterone system, many arteries experiences the vasoconstriction so as to maintain the blood pressure. This process reduces the flow of blood to the kidneys.

Final answer:

Angiotensin II primarily functions to constrict arterioles and increase blood pressure, making option A the correct answer. It does this by constricting blood vessels, thereby increasing peripheral resistance and blood pressure.


The function of angiotensin II is predominantly to A. constrict arterioles and increase blood pressure. Angiotensin II, a powerful vasoconstrictor, plays a crucial role in maintaining blood pressure by constricting the arterioles to increase peripheral resistance, thereby increasing blood pressure. It is a part of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system, which helps regulate the body's blood pressure and fluid balance. So, decreased production of aldosterone, decreased arterial blood pressure, or decreased water absorption are not primary functions of angiotensin II. Its primary function concerns blood pressure regulation.

Learn more about Angiotensin II here:



A dehydration synthesis reaction between glycerol and a single fatty acid would yield a(n)(a) micelle(b) omega-3 fatty acid(c) triglyceride(d)monoglyceride(e) diglyceride





This is a macromolecule formed f rom CONDENSATION of Fatty acid and glycerol.

It result in formation of water molec from the loss of OH group from the glycerol and H ydrogen from the fatty acids.

The bond formed after condensation


Tryglycerides are hydrophipic.:water hating.

A dehydration synthesis reaction between glycerol and a single fatty acid would yield a monoglyceride.

In a dehydration synthesis reaction, also known as a condensation reaction, between glycerol and a single fatty acid, a monoglyceride is formed. Glycerol, a three-carbon alcohol, reacts with a fatty acid through the removal of water molecules. In this process, one hydroxyl group from glycerol combines with a carboxyl group from the fatty acid, resulting in the formation of an ester bond.

This ester linkage connects the glycerol molecule with the fatty acid, producing a monoglyceride. Unlike a triglyceride, which is formed when all three hydroxyl groups of glycerol react with fatty acids, a monoglyceride consists of a single fatty acid attached to the glycerol backbone. Monoglycerides are important molecules in lipid metabolism and can serve as intermediates in the synthesis and breakdown of more complex lipids in biological systems.

For more questions on glycerol
