Electronic spreadsheets are most useful for A.Creating multimedia presentations. B.Storing multimedia files. C.Making calculations. D.Archiving libraries.


Answer 1


C.Making calculations.


Spreadsheet is a computer program that represents information in a two-dimensional data grid, along with formulas that relate the data. Historically, a spreadsheet is an accounting page that shows a variety of quantitative information useful for managing a business. The main function of a spreadsheet is to make calculations, so using a spreadsheet you can make calculations that track your expenses, your earnings, and other calculations that are important to you for your business.

Answer 2
Answer: C you use spread sheets to figure out revenue profit stuff like that

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For example: In the same way that the state of Texas is a region of the United States. Ursa Major is a region of the sky.
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Hope this helps! :)
Constellations mean the patterns that stars make
Good Luck

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How is the care of children different in jonas' s world from your world .
The giver


I accually just read this book.
If you havent read it completely, or arent almost finished, then you should probably stay away from this answer. Sorry!   

A few differences would be things like:
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