Democrats who were adamantly opposed to the Civil War were called _____.Anacondas


Answer 1
Answer: Democrats who were adamantly opposed to the Civil War were called Copperheads.
Answer 2

Its called copperheads

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it was A.connecticut
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The correct answer for the question that is being presented above is this one: "C. if it was a sill, both shale beds would be metamorphosed where they came in contact with the basalt." Based on the cross-cutting nature of contact metamorphism, a basalt layer between two shale beds was a lava flow or a sill is that if it was a sill, both shale beds would be metamorphosed where they came in contact with the basalt

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autonomy and fair treatment i hope this helps

Which of the following were the Maori people known for?a. totem poles
b. ivory sculptures
c. woodcarving
d. cave painting


The correct answer is C. Woodcarving


The Maori were an indigenous group of people that developed in New Zealand during the 12th century, this culture developed unique cultural features including their own language, myths, beliefs, and form of arts. In terms of ar,t the Maori were mainly known due to their traditional dance and carving that was mainly performed on wood surfaces including houses, canoes, containers, tools and almost any other element used in daily life made of wood. Additionally to this, Maori carving has been mainly known due to its complex patterns and its importance in the Maori culture as woodcarving was no only use for decoration purpose but to record stories and myths of this culture. Thus, the feature or cultural element Maori are known for is their "woodcarving" as this type of carving is one of the most important features of this culture due to its unique features and messages recorded through it.

Wood carvings, wakahuia and tekoteko just to name a few. 

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b.special cultrual practices unique to one group
c.conflict over varying ideas and traditions
d.a whole made up of many diffrent parts


It would be "d.a whole made up of many different parts" that best defines diversity, since oftentimes a single entity can exist with many different constituents from different backgrounds. 

How did the Magna Carta limit England's monarchy? A. It gave common people the right to vote. B. It said that the people had rights even kings must respect. C. It established a republic. D. It created the Estates General.


The Magna Carta limits England's monarchy because it said that the people had rights even kings must respect. Magna Carta was a sanction of Rights which signifies the assurance of chapel rights, nobleman from criminal detainment, equity and besides holds the primitive installments to the crown.  


Further Explanation

Magna Carta was recognized as the Main Archive which was applied to the lord of Britain and this statement was made to restrain the forces by law just as the certitude of Social equality. Magna Carta was the archive that was identified by Lord John in June 1215 and this opinion was the chief record that carried constraints to the effectiveness of the ruler. The provision 61 of this report communicated that the board of trustees which had twenty-five nobles was awarded the privilege to meet and overrule the desire of the Ruler which exemplified a reliable test to John's power as a ruler who was serving the government.  

This sanction was discarded when these twenty-five aristocrats left London and the pope withdrew the archive and during the hour of adjournment of that account by the pope, he said that this report resisted the administration of the congregation over the authority over the Topic; regions concerning Britain and Ireland.  

Learn more:

1. According to the constitution, the judicial branch of the federal government is headed by

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Answer Details

Grade; High school

Subject; History

Topic; Magna Carta


Magna Carta, achieve, restrain, lord of Britain, aristocrats, London, Pope, Britain, Ireland, resisted, administered, ruler, provision.

Final answer:

The Magna Carta limited the power of England's monarchy by establishing the principle that everyone, including the king, had to respect certain rights of the people. It did not give the right to vote, create a republic, or establish the Estates General.


The Magna Carta, signed in 1215, was significant in that it established a set of rules that even the English king had to follow, thereby limiting the monarchy's power. Specifically, answer B is correct. The Magna Carta stated that people had certain rights that even a king must respect. It introduced the principle that no one, not even the king, is above the law. This historical document did not give the common people the right to vote, establish a republic, or create the Estates General, thus ruling out options A, C, and D.

Learn more about Magna Carta here: