Fill in the blank Sports a3 are made in the water.


Answer 1
Answer: That question isn't Spanish.
Answer 2
Answer: Surfing, Swimining, Sailing and Parasailing. 

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Los incas tenían un ejército débil, no es la razón que ayudó a Pizarro a conquistar el Perú.

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I took the edge test 2021

Translate the following passage to English. Add any corrections if necessary.Yo repleto mi la valija con mi la camara y mucha ropa. Yo ir a Old San Juan, el museo, y local la tiendas. Yo ir a admirar la arquitectura, naturaleza, y la parque nacional. Yo aprendido sobre la historia, la cocina, y los antepasados. Yo volo a casa con souvenir y mucha fotos.



I packed my suitcase with my camera and lots of clothes. I go to Old San Juan, the museum, and local shops. I go to admire the architecture, nature, and the national park. I learned about history, cuisine, and ancestors. I fly home with souvenirs and lots of photos.

I packed my suitcase with my camera and lots of clothes. I will go to Old San Juan, the museum, and the local store. I will go to admire the architecture, the nature, and the national park. I learned about history, cuisine, and ancestors. I fly home with souvenirs and lots of photos.

How do you say flower in spanish


flower in Spanish is, Flor

hope that helps :D

You say flower in spanish as Flor

How do you say " My family is the best?


Mi familia es la mejor = my family is the best

My family is the best....=Mi familia es la mejor.....

If you have anymore questions, feel free to message me!
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