Which polymers provide plants with their genetic traits?a. . Proteins
b. . Lipids
c. . Nucleic Acid
d. . Starches I attempted question once, so answer is not lipids.


Answer 1
Answer: The polymer that provides plants with their genetic traits is nucleicacid. The answer is C. Nucleic acids are what made the DNA (deoxyribonucleicacid). The DNA are composed of a nitrogenous base, phosphate and a sugar(deoxyribose). The bases are adenosine, tyrosine, uracil and guanine. And theyare needed to be matched to carry the trait.  The nitrogenous base is the traits thatcontains the genetic material and are mostly composed of nucleic acids. 

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Secretes hormones that are stored in the posterior pituitary gland





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People who have albinism appear white because they cannot synthesize the pigment ____________ , so they have an increased susceptibility to ____________ .





Albinism, meaning "white,"  

-Is a group of heritable conditions linked with low or absent melanin in ectoderm-derived tissues.

ectoderm-derived tissue -most notably the skin, hair, and eyes, yielding a characteristic pallor. The most commonly thought of presentation is that of oculocutaneous albinism (OCA).

Melanin is a pigment producing compound  and it is responsible for determining the colour of skin and hair.

They have an increased susceptibility to Albinism and  various genetic abnormalities and congenital defects.

Final answer:

People with albinism are unable to synthesize melanin, causing them to appear white. This lack of melanin also makes them more susceptible to sun damage and skin cancer.


People who have albinism appear white because they cannot synthesize the pigment melanin. Melanin is responsible for the colour in our skin, hair, and eyes, and those with albinism have either a reduced quantity or absence of this pigment. As a result, those affected with this condition have skin, hair, and eye color that is much lighter than the non-affected population. Due to the lack of melanin, they have an increased susceptibility to sun damage and skin cancer. Because melanin provides some protection against harmful UV radiation, people with albinism are more susceptible to sunburn and skin cancers.

Learn more about Albinism here:
