What is the foundation to relative dating


Answer 1
Radioisotopes decay at a constant rate.

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The first strands of DNA were observed through which microscope? tunneling microscope simple microscope compound light microscope electron microscope


Technically, X-ray crystallography, which is like an unfocused electron microscope, was first used to see DNA structure. Scientists today use more refined electron microscopes for researching DNA and its structure


The electron microscope is a kind of microscope that uses a beam of electrons to produce an image of the specimen. It is acceptable of important special magnifications and has a greater resolving power than a light microscope, providing it to see much smaller objects in precise detail.

Final answer:

The first strands of DNA were observed through an electron microscope. This type of microscope offers enough magnification and resolution to visualize highly detailed molecular structures, including DNA.


The first strands of DNA were observed through an electron microscope. The Electron microscope, capable of magnifying objects up to a million times, allowed scientists to view much smaller particles, including the structure of DNA. The resolution of electron microscopes is incredibly high, enabling them to see highly detailed structural information that a tunneling microscope, simple microscope, or compound light microscope could not have revealed. In comparison, these microscopes provide less detail and weaker magnification, proving them insufficient for studying something as intricate as DNA structure.

Learn more about electron microscope here:



A monkey has 42 chromosomes in almost all its cells. How many chromosomes are in a monkeys haploid cells?84


if 42 is a diploid cell, then a haploid would have 21
If the monkeys chromosomes are haploid cells it would be 21 because haploid also means "half".

Which bryophyte is found in bogs swamps and forms peat, a source of fuel? A) marchanita
B) anthiceros
C) Sphagnum


Sphagnum is found in bogs swamps and forms peat, a source of fuel.
C. Sphagnu is found in bogs and forms peats.

◦Why are coral communities/reefs important – include what are they indicators of?

◦What efforts are taking place world-wide to protect coral reefs from further harm?


Coralreefs are important mostly because they provide protection andshelter for many different species of fish. and 
1) No accesszones 
2) Implementation ofregulations prohibiting collection of coral reef components 
3) Isolating coralreefs to preserve select species 
The mention of coral reefs generally brings to mind warm climates, colorful fishes and clear waters. Hope that helps 

What are some ways each person could reduce air pollution and energy consumption?


some ways each person could reduce air pollution and energy consumption are : 
- Adjust temperature settings, cooler in winter and hotter in summer

- Using Electric based vehicles

- Turn off your electicity when you're not using it

hope this helps

The ways in which an individual could reduce air pollution is that he or she can use public transport in spite of going by their own vehicle.

  • He can use electrical techniques in the place of burning fossil fuel.

Energy consumption: The amount of energy utilized by an individual can be reduces if the energy is not wasted and used in a proper way.

  • He must switch of the lights and fans when they are not in use.
  • He can use solar alternatives to save energy.

Special cells found in the gonads that give rise to gametes upon division are calleda. basal cells.
b. egg cells.
c. stem cells.
d. somatic cells. E. germ cells


The answer is E. germ cells.

Germ cells are cells that give rise to the gametes - either egg cells or sperm cells. Germ cells are the only cells that can undergo both mitosis and meiosis. They are diploid cells present in gonads. Female gonads are ovaries in which haploid female gametes - egg cells - are produced from germ cells. Male gonads are testes in which haploid male gametes - sperm cells - are produced from germ cells.
Special cells found in the gonads that give rise to gametes upon division are called E) germ cells.