Explain in three ways in which how local government can conduct advocacy on the municipal elections


Answer 1
Answer: The local government can conduct advocacy in the municipal elections through commissioning, campaigning, and lobbying. Lobbying is the most often form of advocacy where a direct approach on an issue that affects modern politics is made to legislators. 
Answer 2

Final answer:

Local government can conduct advocacy on municipal elections by being transparent and engaging local voters, increasing turnout by implementing faster and more efficient voting processes, and promoting dialog during voting to encourage voter engagement.


Local government can conduct advocacy on municipal elections in three ways:

  1. Transparent and engages local voters: Local government can ensure transparency by providing clear information about the election process and candidates, engaging with local voters through open forums and town hall meetings, and encouraging citizen participation in the electoral process.
  2. Faster and has higher turnout: Local government can implement measures to streamline the voting process, such as introducing early voting or allowing voting by mail, which can increase voter turnout and make the election process faster and more efficient.
  3. Highly active and promotes dialog during voting: Local government can actively encourage voter engagement by promoting dialog during voting, such as organizing debates and forums where candidates and voters can discuss local issues and policies.

Learn more about Local government conducting advocacy on municipal elections here:



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B swim. Like is present tense or conditional, therefore requiring the other verb to match that. Swim matches like in this case.

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Free Verse Poem:Use 10 of the following twenty words/ phrases in a poem you create.
Make your poem at least ten lines long.
1. Xanadu
2. Pleasure dome
3. Sacred river
4. Sunless sea
5. Forests ancient
6. Romantic chasm
7. Green hill
8. Savage place
9. Woman wailing
10. Turmoil seething
11. Rebounding Hail
12. Dancing Rocks
13. Mazy Motion
14. Lifeless Ocean
15. Caves of Ice
16. Beware, Beware
17. Flashing eyes
18. Floating hair
19. Holy dread
20. Paradise


Based on the question above, the answer below is an eleven line Free Verse Poem which goes thus:

Paradise I seek

  • Looking for a Paradise
  • Beware, Beware I heard
  • A Woman wailing from my far left
  • I navigate my way through Forests ancient
  • Climb I did a Green Hill
  • I saw Dancing Rocks in Mazy Motion
  • Rest I did at a Savage Place
  • With Flashing eyes and Floating hair
  • There, I saw a Sacred river not far from a Sunless sea
  • In between is the Holy dread to the Pleasure dome
  • The place I seek

Free Verse Poem

  • Free verse poem is defined as a poem with no set rhyming pattern that mimics natural speech patterns.

In conclusion, one can conclude that the above poem is said to be a Free Verse poem

Learn more on Free Verse Poem from here: brainly.com/question/1509140

What is one strategy both Patrick Henry and Thomas Paine use in their works?


all I know is this :

-The argument that the colonists have tried to peacefully plead with Britain.
-Figurative Language  

That what my teacher says

Final answer:

Patrick Henry and Thomas Paine both use emotional appeal or pathos in their works. They use strong language and vivid imagery to persuade their audience to their viewpoint.


One strategy both Patrick Henry and Thomas Paine used in their works was emotional appeal or pathos. They used strong language and vivid imagery to invoke feelings in their audience, aiming to persuade them towards their viewpoint. For instance, in Patrick Henry's 'Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death' speech, he creates a sense of urgency and danger to motivate his audience. Similarly, Thomas Paine in 'Common Sense' incites anger and resentment towards Britain, encouraging American colonists to fight for independence.

Learn more about Emotional Appeal here:
