suppose a vacuum cleaner use 120 j of electrical energy. If 45 j are used to pull air into the vacuum cleaner, how efficient is the vacuum cleaner?


Answer 1
Answer: It depends on how much time 45 j will go, so if you told me that it went through 45 j per minute it will go through for 2 minutes so not efficient unless it went through 45 j per hour then it is efficient. 
Answer 2

Final answer:

The vacuum cleaner's efficiency is calculated as 37.5%. This is determined by the ratio of useful energy output (45J) to total energy input (120J). Real-world devices typically have efficiencies less than 100% due to energy losses.


The vacuum cleaner's efficiency can be calculated using the formula: Efficiency = (Useful energy output / Total energy input) x 100%. In this scenario, the vacuum cleaner used a total of 120 joules of electrical energy, but only 45 joules of that energy were used for the useful task of pulling in air. Therefore, the vacuum cleaner's efficiency would be calculated as: Efficiency = (45 J / 120 J) x 100% = 37.5%.

It's important to understand that real machines do not achieve 100% efficiency because some energy is always lost as heat due to friction and air resistance. As such, the vacuum cleaner's efficiency of 37.5% fits within expected bounds for real-world devices.

Learn more about Efficiency here:


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Ok, so you would want to define inertia before trying to answer the question. Inertia is basically the force of resistance on an object, or any change to its speed, because of natural factors, like friction or gravity. The shopping carts decribed above, based upon the definition of inertia, the shopping cart full of groceries would have more inertia.

Final answer:

Inertia is a property of an object that resists changes in motion, and its quantity is directly proportional to the object's mass. Therefore, a shopping cart full of groceries, having a greater mass, will exhibit more inertia than an empty shopping cart.


In physics, inertia refers to the tendency of an object to resist changes in its motion. The greater an object's mass, the greater its inertia, making it harder to start or stop its movement. In comparing a shopping cart full of groceries and an empty one, the cart full of groceries will have a higher mass, thus a greater inertia.

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The same principle can be applied to a group of students using two carts (A and B) for a one-dimensional collision experiment. Cart B with unknown mass is initially at rest while cart A with known mass moves towards it. Since mass directly influences inertia, if cart B was loaded with materials (like a shopping cart full of groceries), it would be harder to shift its motion than if it were empty.

Learn more about Inertia here:
