Una herramienta para la técnica húmeda es el pincel. Pero los escultores del pasado y de hoy moldean con la arcilla. Los pintores usan un pincel en el ________ o el muro.


Answer 1


Una herramienta para la técnica húmeda es el pincel. Pero los escultores del pasado y de hoy moldean con la arcilla. Los pintores usan un pincel en el lienzo o el muro.


In this activity we have to complete the statement with the appropriate vocabulary term. The statement in English is:

A tool used in the humid techniques is the paint brush. But sculptors from the past an today mold clay. Painters use the paint brush in a canvas or a wall.

Canvas is a very strong and durable fabric that has been used for painting since as early as the XV century, and currently is the most popular support method used in oil painting.

Answer 2
Answer: cuadro
espero que haiga ayudado.

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alto gizo


si bro yo lo como mucho


Creo que tienes razon


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i did most of the questions already, i just REALLY need help with these!
will give brainlyist!


1. Luis is feeling nervous

2. He orders a cold tea to drink.

3. He is missing a knife and a fork.

4. She says it is delicious.

5. Only the female orders dessert.