Which of the following was a conservative criticism of equal rights amendment? A. The ERA would reduce the American population B. The ERA would reduce women's wages C. The ERA would hurt the traditional family D. The ERA would cause massive unemployment


Answer 1
Answer: The correct answer is C. The ERA would hurt the traditional family

Conservatives believed that women should stay at home and take care of the household instead of go to jobs. This traditional understanding of a family was supported by many women as well, which is why eventually the ERA failed when it failed to become ratified.
Answer 2

Correct answer choice is :

C) The ERA would hurt the traditional family


The Equal Rights Amendment is a suggested revision to the United States Constitution intended to assure equal legal rights for all American citizens despite sex, it tries to end the legal differences among men and women in terms of the divorce, property, employment, and other matters. The Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) was important because it signified a major step in the movement towards women's rights. It is also significant because it shows how much struggle there was in the 1970s over social issues. The ERA was introduced as a way to give women equal legal status to men.

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The correct answer is True.

It is true that the Conference of Nations was brought together in 1944 to create institutions that would ensure there would be no more world wars.

Dumbarton Oaks Conference was an important meeting in Georgetown, Washington D.C. between the world’s superpowers from August 21 to October 27, 1944. The countries that participated were the United States, China, England, and the Soviet Union. The meeting -also known as the Conference of Nations- was brought together in 1944 to create institutions that would ensure there would be no more world wars. This meeting was the first step to gather the nations of the world. It was the beginning of the creation of what today we know as the United Nations.  

the answer is true so there u go :)

Which of the following was NOT true of theBritish position in the American Revolution?
(A) The war was unpopular in Great Britain.
(B) The hit-and-run tactics of the Americans
made it difficult for the British to plan
and execute their strategies.
(C) The British were well supplied by both
their navy and by Loyalist farmers.
(D) Secure in their empire, the British were
able to focus their resources and
attention on the American Revolution.
(E) The British had a well-trained army led
by professional soldiers.


If the question is talking about the way itself then the answer would be A, as the war was in fact a very popular event in Britain. The person who said it was C is incorrect as the British were very well supplied by loyalist farmers and the Navy, which was one of their advantages.


If the question is talking about the way itself then the answer would be A, as the war was in fact a very popular event in Britain. The person who said it was C is incorrect as the British were very well supplied by loyalist farmers and the Navy, which was one of their advantages.


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GOLD!!! The gold rush was the main reason; The biggest one was the California Gold rush and people spent all their life savings just to have a shot at striking big. 

which statement best describes the panama canal? a. its entire length is at sea level b. the workers who built the canal were mostly form panama. c. it is thousands of miles long. d. ships pass through the panama canal at all hours all year long.


"d. ships pass through the panama canal at all hours all year long" would be the statement that best describes the panama canal, although of course there are others. 


d :)


The first dynasty of the Muslim caliphate was the _____.Abbasid


Its option C
Umayyad  was the first dynasty of Muslim Caliphate

Your answer is umayyad

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Economic, political and social.

Instability was from the Treaty of Versailles left many countries bitter for they did not get fully compensated for the war. Germany, especially, experienced economic and political issues bc they had to be a republic and pay billions in reparations. Russia was faced with a revolution and struggled with famine and inflation. Europe was faced with even more instability after the stock market crash of 1930.