Cyril, the priest, created the English alphabet. True or False


Answer 1
Answer: Cyril, the priest, created the English alphabet. 

The English alphabet was created by many different people. A language by the Anglo-Saxons, futhorc, influenced the English language greatly. Then the Normans came and they slightly changed the language. Over time the language has changed to how it is today.
Answer 2
Answer: False. Anglo-Saxon settlers created the English alphabet and wrote it. 

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I agree with the first answer, just to add on though the United States and the Soviet Union never directly fought

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PLS NEED HELP ASAP Identify where the mixed economies of Nigeria, Kenya, and South Africa lie on the continuum.


Taking reference on the 2018 Index of Economic Freedom Ranking, an annual publication by the renowned Heritage Foundation, the 'freest' economy, corresponding to the position C, closer to 'Pure Market', would be that of South Africa, on the 77th spot on the ranking. The middle slot 'B' corresponds to the economy of Nigeria, claiming the 104th position while the closest to pure command would be Kenya, 129th, tanking the 'A' slot.  

South Africa, Nigeria, and Kenya fall in the following order on the continuum:

A Nigeria

B South Africa

C Kenya