This image is from an anti-government demonstration in China that resulted in the deaths of hundreds of civilian protesters in 1989. By what name is this incident commonly known?A) Bloo.dy Tuesday
B) Tianamen Square
C) The July Massacre
D) The Gwangju Massacre


Answer 1

The answer is B. Tiananmen Square. You are not allowed to speak of in or around China.

Answer 2


B) Tianamen Square

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A) Fewer workers got sick from malaria and yellow fever.

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W. Bengough is clearly against the US for acquiring the Philippines after Spain lost a war to the United States. The Philippines were outraged as they were seeking independence.

The men shown in the "Fun for the boys" political cartoon are:
William McKinley, Theodore Roosevelt, and William Howard Taft.

Hope this helps. 

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"B.) Opposed Indian removal and slavery" was a position of the Whig Party during the Jackson administration, since the Whigs tended to be against any policy that was morally questionable. 


"B.) Opposed Indian removal and slavery" was a position of the Whig Party during the Jackson administration, since the Whigs tended to be against any policy that was morally questionable.

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D)  found themselves increasingly left out of the political process because of poll taxes and literacy tests.



D) found themselves increasingly left out of the political process because of poll taxes and literacy tests.