Which combination of alleles best describes a sex-linked trait? A. heterozygous alleles
B. homozygous alleles
C. alleles that are carried on X and Y chromosomes
D. alleles that are carried on somatic cells


Answer 1
Answer: B. homozygous alleles 

Each human body is composed of genes, and these usually come in pairs that are slightly different from each other. The different versions of genes are called alleles. Alleles are responsible for determining physical or notable characteristics and traits a specific person has. 

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Please help me I need the answer for that please help thanks
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What is the difference between membrane distillation and pervaporation?


 The pervaporation process is a relatively new, having common elements, reverse osmosis and gas permeation . The separating liquid mixtures by pervaporation difference in vapor pressure between the feed and the permeate. This difference in vapor pressure can be obtained in different ways: by vacuum applied to the permeate ,the most used laboratory procedure, or by cooling the permeate vapor, causing a partial vacuum, and most common industrially.The membrane destillation use heat streans to provide the evaporations. The pervaporation uses differente methods.I hope it help.

This involves replacing faulty genes with normal working genes in order to provide a “cure” for a genetic disorder:a. DNA fingerprinting
c. Human Genome Project
b. gene therapy
d. allele testing


B) Gene therapy involves replacing faulty genes with normal working genes in order to provide a cure for a genetic disorder. 

Which is correctly expressed?A. toco cartas
B. juego el violín
C. juego fútbol
D. toco béisbol


The option that is correctly expressed is C. juego futbol. 
The verb toco means to touch, so this cannot be correct. And the verb juego is used with sports, so you cannot use it for instruments. 

Extra points for answers Compare the ways in which iron-magnesium minerals and feldspars crystallize from magma


The comparison of the ways in which iron-magnesium minerals and feldspars crystallize from magma is;

Feldspars continually react with magma and change composition but stay as feldspar whereas iron - magnesium react with magma and change into other minerals.

  • In Bowen's reaction series, feldspar minerals tend to continually change composition, whereas iron - magnesium minerals tend to have an abrupt change of their mineral types.

  • Now, the feldspars that are formed from cooling of magnma are usually very rich in calcium. Thus, as cooling continues, the feldspars will start reacting with the magma and as such the feldspar composition will undergo some changes. This reaction will lead to zoned crystals that have outer layers very rich in sodium while the core is very rich in calcium.

  • For the iron - magnesium minerals, when magma starts to cool, a mineral will now start to crystallize but the more the magma cools the more the temperature drops and a whole new mineral will be formed.

  • Finally, the minerals formed initially reacts with the magma which makes it to be converted into the new mineral.

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the magma melts then hardens for a long time then iron magnesium pretty much sugar coats it and crystallizes it.

Almost all cnidarians use special cells called _______ at the ends of their tentacles to inject poison into their prey.


They have cnidocytes or nemadocytes, which shoot a toxin into the prey.

Minerals _____.-contain plant material
-can be solids, liquids, or gases
-have a uniform structure or composition
-are made from the remains of plants and animals


have a uniform structure or composition, i think maybe


have a uniform structure or composition


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