Place the following words into the illustration below: gametes, sporophyte, gametophyte, and zygote. Explain how the terms are related.


Answer 1

The alternation of generations inthe life cycle of a plant includes the diploid and haploid multicellularstages. diploid and haploid are copies of the chromosomes. The spores in theplant is unicellular and when they start dividing through mitosis, it producesidentical cells. These identical cells are all haploid. Haploid stages containone set of chromosome from either of the parent. These identical cells create amulticellular system called the gametophytes. A gametophyte is the haploid multicellularstage in the life cycle of a plant. The gametophyte makes the gametes. These gametesare responsible for sexual fertilization. It takes place when a sperm (malegametes) from the male fuses into the egg cell (female gametes) of the female. The formation of both male and female gametes creates a diploidzygote. Diploid stages contain one set of chromosome from eachparent. This is where the sporophyte comes in. A sporophyte is the diploidmulticellular stage in the life cycle of the plant. It now contains the twosets of chromosomes from each parent.

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ATP. ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate) contains high energy bonds located between each phosphate group.

What is the role of water in power generation?


Large scale electrical energy production largely depends on the use of turbines. Nearly all of the world's power that is supplied to a major grid is produced by turbines.  From steam turbines used at coal-burning electricity plants to liquid water turbines used at hydro-electric plants, turbines are versatile and can be used in a number of applications.  There are also gas turbines that com bust natural gas or diesel fuel for them to refuse. remote locations or where a large backup power supply is required.

Movement of water across a membrane is called ______. A. osmosis B. mitosis C. diffusion D. active transport.PLEASE HELP


I agree the answer is osmosis

diffusion deals with movement of particles from high to low concentration. For example you drop food coloring into water. The food coloring diffuses.

Hope this helped and good luck!!!
A. Osmosis
Hope it helps:)

Which is a method that scientists use to determine the composition of Earth'slayers?

A. Drilling down and bringing up samples to study

B. Comparing the composition of the crust to other bodies in the
solar system

C. Using remote sensing techniques in the ocean

D. Shooting seismic waves into the planet and seeing how they travel


The method that scientists use to determine the composition of Earth's layers is comparing the composition of the crust to other bodies in the solarsystem. The correct option is B.

What is the composition of Earth's layer?

Based on composition, there are three divisions: core, mantle, and crust. Oceanic and continentalcrust, which makes up less than 1% of the Earth's total mass, typically contains more felsicrock.

Approximately 68 percent of the mass of the Earth is in the heated mantle. The core's primary metal composition is iron.

The majority of the rocks that make up the Earth's mantle are silicates, a large class of substances with a common silicon and oxygen structure.

The core is almost entirely comprised of metal, notably iron and nickel, in contrast to the crust and mantle, which are rich in minerals.

Scientists compare the composition of the crust to that of other worlds in the solarsystem to ascertain the composition of the Earth's layers.

Thus, the correct option is B.

For more details regarding Earth's layers, visit:


Answer:Comparing the composition of the crust to other bodies in the

solar system

Explanation: I took the quiz

2. All of the following are correct about enzymes EXCEPT(A) the mechanism by which enzymes work is known as lock and key
(B) they are proteins
(C) they denature at high temperatures
(D) they are assisted by vitamins and minerals
(E) enzymes are not normally degraded during a reaction



The statement D 'they are assisted by vitamins and minerals' is incorrect.


Enzymes are biological catalysts which speed up a reaction. Their working mechanism is usually referred to as lock and key mechanisms as they make a lock and key type model while functioning. Each enzyme is specific for a specific kind of substrate. All enzymes are proteins. Enzymes itself are not degraded or get used up in a reaction. They might change from one form to another. But they are not assisted by vitamins or minerals, hence that statement is incorrect.

The diagram below shows the position of the sun, moon, and Earth. The labels A, B, C, and D represent four coastlines on Earth.Three circles are shown. The smallest circle is in the middle and is labeled Moon The circle labeled Earth is on the left of the moon and the biggest circle is labeled Sun and it is on the right of the moon. The circle labeled Earth has A marked on top, B marked on the right, C marked below, and D marked on the left

As Earth rotates, coastline B moves to where coastline A is. Which statement is correct about coastline B in its new position?

It will experience a high tide because water is drawn away from the area between the low tides.
It will experience a low tide because water is drawn away from the area between the high tides.
It will have a low tide because the greatest gravitational pull of the moon is experienced when the coastline is at right angles to the moon.
It will have a high tide because the greatest gravitational pull of the moon is experienced when the coastline is aligned with the sun and moon.



It will experience a low tide because water is drawn away from the area between the high tides.


The oceans on earth bulge outwards towards the sun and moon due to gravitational pull. This building is highest when the moon and sun are in line (same plane). The coastline within this plane will experience high tides while those at the right angle will have the lowest tides.