What is the authors purpose in Patrick Henry speech ?


Answer 1
Answer: The main purpose of Patrick Henry 'sspeech at Virginia Conference, was to convince the delegates to secede from Britain; moreover, to fight back against them. He antagonizes Britain by imputing every hardships they faced to Britain.
Answer 2


To show the colonists that war with Britain was their only option.


Patrick Henry's speech was titled ''Give Me Liberty, or Give Me Death!''.

From the titled you can see that this speech had the intention of a radical idea: or freedom, or death (which mean we'll fight).

Also you can get the answer from the context, this speech was given to the Virginia convention, where they was debating whether send troops to fight or not.

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Answer: D.

Explanation: Sentence A lacks a closing comma for the appositive phrase "Anna Marie," sentence B lacks both the opening and the closing comma, and sentence C lacks the opening comma for said appositive phrase (the latter results in an illegal comma that divides the subject from the verb).

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Hi There! :)

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