Which of the following best describes why the Greeks created art? a. The Greeks wanted people to recognize their achievements, and they thought the best way to do this was by using bright colors.
b. The Greeks created artwork solely for the purpose of glorifying the gods.
c. The Greeks admired humanity and the human form, and they expressed their admiration in their art.
d. The Greeks wanted other people to see that they knew how to use local materials.


Answer 1

Out of the choices provided above, it can be concluded to state that the Greeks admired humanity and the human form, and they expressed their admiration in their art is the statement that best describes why the Greeks created art. Therefore, the option C holds true.

What is the significance of Greek art?

Greek art can be referred to or considered as a form of artistic representation that got popularized during the relevancy of the Byzantine Empire. The artistic representation by the Greek artists were not adamant towards human expression throughout art evidences.

The characteristics of human form and humanities were largely evident in the human form, and the Greek art was also expressed to the admiration of humans as a form of contribution to the artistic representations made by them.

Therefore, the option C holds true and states regarding the significance of Greek art.

Learn more about Greek art here:



Answer 2
Answer: C. the Greeks admired humanity and the human form, and they expressed their admirtion in their art

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. People worked fourteen to sixteen hours a day for six days a week.

During the Industrial Revolution, companies attempted to maximize the output of their factories by keeping them running as many hours as possible. With a long line of people willing to work, employers also set low wages


Working days, which reached more than fourteen hours a day.


The Industrial Revolution or First Industrial Revolution is the process of economic, social and technological transformation that began in the second half of the 18th century in the Kingdom of Great Britain, which spread a few decades later to a large part of Western Europe and Anglo-Saxon America, and that concluded between 1820 and 1840. During this period the greatest set of economic, technological and social transformations of the history of mankind was experienced since the Neolithic, which saw the transition from a rural economy based fundamentally on agriculture and commerce to an urban economy, industrialized and mechanized.

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The correct answer is A) Civil Rights Movement.

“Freedom Rides” were forms of peaceful protest during the Civil Rights Movement.

During the civil rights movement years, "Freedom Rides" were trips by bus that civil rights supporters did to many southern parts of the country to protest against the segregation policies of Bus terminals in the South. In 1961, these demonstrations were organized by a group called CORE, Congress of Racial Equality. The police had to intervene and arrest protesters in places such as South Carolina, Alabama, and Missississippi.

The other options of the question were B) Hispanic Movement C) Women’s Rights Movement D) Abolitionist Movement.

"Freedom Rides" were forms of peaceful protest during the Civil Rights Movement.

Why was germany particularly susceptible to a downturn in the economy?


Because Germany was such a large manufacturing power, they began to have a serious lack of manufacturing orders. This made them particularly susceptible to a downturn in the economy.

What problems threatened the peace after world War 1?


Harsh Treaty of Versailles, massive war debt, and a weak League of Nations

The Treaty of Versailles was very harsh toward the losing side in particular Germany. The harshness of the treaty caused nationalistic reactions leading to military buildup and extreme leaders to take control.

Massive debt in Europe led to depression in Europe and eventually in the US. The depression made economies stop dead in their tracks and caused hyperinflation in Germany as well as weak currency. These conditions also contributed extreme leaders.

Lastly, the construction of the League of Nations provided weak leadership when countries became aggressive. The US refused to join despite being the architect of the organization. In addition, the countries turned to appeasement instead of addressing the aggressors.

Post-World War 1, threats to peace emerged from territorial disputes, economic instability, political tensions, nationalism, and unresolved issues from theTreaty of Versailles.

The Treaty of Versailles, signed in 1919, was a peace treaty that officially ended World War I and imposed several conditions on Germany. It placed blame on Germany for the war, demanded substantial reparations, territorial adjustments, disarmament, and other punitive measures.

The treaty significantly weakened Germany economically and politically, leading to resentment and contributing to the rise of extremism.

Many historians argue that the harsh terms of the Treaty of Versailles sowed the seeds for future conflicts, such as World War II, as it created a sense of injustice and discontent among the German population and undermined stability in Europe.

Learn more about Treaty of Versailles here:



Which individual below was part of the prosecution team during the Scopes "Monkey Trial"?a. William Jennings Bryan
b. George Rappleyea
c. Clarence Darrow
d. Paul Patterson


The correct answer for the question that is being presented above is this one: "a. William Jennings Bryan." The individual that was part of the prosecution team during the Scopes "Monkey Trial" is William Jennings Bryan. The prosecution was led by Tom Stewart, district attorney for the 18th Circuit.


William Jennings Bryan


Identify and explain three important factors leading to the success of the spanish in conquering and colonizing parts of central and north america


The three important factors leading to the success of the Spanish in conquering and colonizing parts of central and North America were-

1-  Money- Spain's interest was in exploring and colonizing the Americas for the pursuit of wealth. America was supposed to have huge sources of gold and other precious materials, and Spain wanted as much control over these sources as possible.  

2- Desire to convert Native Americans to Christianity

3-Europe brought diseases- Native people of America had no immunity to the diseases that European explorers and colonists brought with them. Diseases such as smallpox, influenza, measles, and even chicken pox proved deadly to American Indians.