A single strand of DNA contains the following nine nucleotides in this order: ACT TAT GGA. What sequence of bases will be present on the complementary strand of DNA?


Answer 1

A DNA is the molecule consisting of 2 chains that coil around f each other. Forma a double helix carrying the genetic material the nucleotide is made of nitrogen consisting of cytosine, guanine, adenine, and ethylamine.  The biological information is stored in these stands.

The base complementarity  of DNA are A = T, G = C

  • The single stand consists of nucleotides that are arranged into TGA ATA CCT on the basis of the present complementary strands of DNA.

Learn more about the contains the following nine nucleotides.


Answer 2




  • DNA is a nucleic acid that stores all the genetic information of an organism.
  • DNA is a double stranded molecule and contains the nucleotide bases, Adenine, Guanine, Thymine, and Cytosine.
  • The DNA strand and its complementary strand are held together by hydrogen bonds between the base pairs on both stands. Guanine base on one strand is bonded to Cytosine base on the opposite strand. Adenine bonds or pairs with Thymine base on opposite  strand.

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What do pairs of homologous chromosomes have in common?


Same genes

The homologous chromosomes have the same genes in common. Each cell has at least two sets of chromosomes which one comes from one’s father also called as paternal chromosome and mother, called as the maternal chromosomes. These chromosomes are what makes the child obtain the characters and may depend on the traits the parents possess. Homologous chromosomes are not duplicated chromosomes or identical however, they are analogous or similar. The alleles for a specific characteristics isn’t the same but the same genes are in the same order.

Final answer:

Pairs of homologous chromosomes, or homologs, share similar features, carry the same genes in the same order, differ in their parent origin and engage in genetic information exchange during meiosis.


Pairs of homologous chromosomes, called homologs, share several key features. Firstly, they are typically the same length and shape, and they carry the same genes in the same order, although the versions of these genes (called alleles) might vary. Secondly, each pair is derived from separate parents; one comes from the mother (maternal chromosome) and one from the father (paternal chromosome). During cell division, particularly during the phase of meiosis, these homologous pairs align with each other, allowing equivalent genetic information to be exchanged, a process known as crossing over.

Learn more about homologous chromosomes here:



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I think the correct answer from the choices listed above is option C. The function that is both performed by goblet cells and lacrimal glands is protection.  They produce mucus in order to protect mucous membranes. Hope this answers the question.