Karen shouts across a canyon and hears an echo 7.5 s later. how wide is the canyon? the speed of sound is 343 m/s. answer in units of m.


Answer 1
Answer: After Karen shouts, the sound wave of her voice travels across the canyon, it hits the walls, and then it comes back to Karen in a total time of t=7.5 s. If we call L the distance between Karen and the other side of the canyon (so, L is the width of the canyon), it means that the sound wave covers a distance of S=2L in this time.
Since the wave moves by uniform motion, we can use the usual relationship between space, time and velocity:
v= (S)/(t)= (2L)/(t)
where v=343 m/s is the speed of sound. Using this number, we can find L from the previous equation:
L= (vt)/(2)= ((343 m/s)(7.5 s))/(2)=1286 m
So, the canyon is 1286 meters wide.

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Well, it takes one second to get every 10 meters (if g=10 m/s^2), so one needs just 5.5 seconds. He would fall 137.5 meters (if my calculations are right) during that time.


5.6 seconds


I did the worksheet and got it right

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As we know that heat given to a substance is given by the formula as

Q = m C\Delta T

now we know that

\Delta T = (Q)/(m C)

now we know that aluminium and water both are of same mass and both are given same amount of heat so the value of Q and m will be same.

So here we can say that change in temperature depends inversely on the specific heat capacity.

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so we can conclude that since temperature of aluminium increases more so the specific heat capacity of aluminium will be less than that of water.

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Sandra's target heart rate zone is 135bpm—172bpm. Marissa's target heart rate zone is 143bpm—176bpm. They stop playing basketball and take their pulse, and both count the heart rate at 144bpm. If they decrease their heart rates by 20bpm, who will be in her THR zone?


Answer: Neither Sandra nor Marissa will be in her THR zone.


1) Actual pulse of both Sandra and Marissa : 144 bpm

2) Decrease of 20 bpm ⇒ 144 bpm - 20 bpm = 124 bpm

3) Sandra's TRH is in the range 135 - 172 bpm.

Since 124 < 135, she will be below the range.

4) Marissa's TRH range is 143 - 176 bpm.

Since, 124 < 143, she is below the range

In conlusion, neither Sandra nor Marissa will be in her THR zone.

Sandra's pulse is 144 bpm.  If she decreases it by 20 bpm,
it will be 124 bpm.  Her TRH is the range  of 135 - 172 bpm,
so she will be below it.

Marissa's pulse is 144 bpm.  If she decreases it by 20 bpm,
it will be 124 bpm.  Her TRH is the range  of 143 - 176 bpm,
so she will be below it.

Neither girl will be in her THR.

When you drive from the city to a distant farm, the temperature gets because of the ?





when you drive from city to farm the temperature of the farm is cooler than the temperature in the city.

this is because in city the population is very high as compare to the farms so, the activity  of the city is also high which lead to increase the energy consumption of the area.

air pollutants, green house gases are also present more in the city which leads to increase the temperature of the city.

this effect is called urban heat island effect.

Cooler, urban heat island effect.

Which star makes up Orion's knee to your right, or the end of his tunic?A.






Betelgeuse and Rigel


100% correct

Which of the following terms describes the motion of particles during the transmission of wave energy?non-recurrent


The term that describes a wave energy from the choice is periodic. Wave energy occurs at intervals thus periodic. The main properties of a wave energy are the amplitude, wavelength, frequency and speed. Also, period is a property where it is defined as the time it takes for one complete wave to pass a certain point. 


