The Socratic Method is named after this Greek philosopher.Sophocles


Answer 1

TheSocratic Method is named after the Greek philosopher, of course, Socrates. TheSocratic Method, e.g. in education, believes that the student are not purelyblank slate and passive on everything the teacher is teaching, rather itencourages an open communication and discussion between the teacher and hisstudents.

Answer 2

The Socratic Method is indeed named after the Greek philosopher Socrates. The correct option is C.

From the Greek philosopher Socrates, we get the Socratic approach. He would challenge his students until any inconsistencies in their perspectives were made clear in order to explore further their worldviews. In addition, Socrates urged listeners to think critically and to look beyond the obvious by employing this approach of questioning.

Greek philosopher Socrates (470–399 BC) aimed to elucidate the underlying assumptions of his followers' and associates' opinions by probing them with ever-new inquiries until a contradiction was revealed, demonstrating the invalidity of the initial hypothesis.

Thus, the ideal selection is option C.

Learn more about the Greek philosopher Socrates here:


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answer from study island!

Even tho he was an alright president he did fail some times

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