Sunlight can be considered a food resource.true or false


Answer 1

Answer: The given statement is False.

Sunlight is considered as a major source of energy for all life forms that are present in the ecosystem. But it is not a food resource, instead the energy from sunlight (called solar energy) is used in the formation of food through a process called photosynthesis ( that takes place in green plants and algae). The food prepared by plants is used by different organisms in the ecosystem through food chain.

Thus, the given statement is False.

Answer 2




plants use sunlight as food via PHOTOSYNTHESIS

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The correct answer is:

"A karyotype can be used for reporting medical concerns and possible genetic disorders


A Karyotype is the number of the chromosome in a cell. In humans, the typical amount of chromosomes is 46. Seldom humans have a varying number of chromosomes and then the karyotype (for example the number) can be used for inscribing for example of genetic disorders- so the answer is that it can be used for reporting of genetic disorders.

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The difference in DNA among individuals or the differences between populations is referred to as variation.

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Thus, these are some factors that are responsible for the formation of new species.

For more details regarding variation, visit:



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"tutor-verified" one was wrong doesnt listen to it XD

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respondeu em inglês. obrigado

Which non-specific defense mechanism is mismatched with its associated body structure or body fluid?



Mucociliary escalator- intestine


This is a complete mismatched. Simply because this  defense mechanism maintains the respiratory tract by sweeping  foreign substances inhaled with air molecules upwards in the trachea, to be swallowed or spit out .

It is composed of the Goblet cells and  Ciliated Epithelium.It is a defence mechanism which protects the lungs parenchyma from infection and  inflammation from foreign particles and microorganism. The mucus produced from the Goblet cells trapped theses particles,at the same time moistening the pathways,  while the cilliated epithelium beat in upward fashion to sweep them out through the trachea. To complete mucociliary clearance.

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