Which of the following statements best describes how endemic diseases impact a nation’s population? A. Endemic diseases can result in decreasing population numbers: many people die from diseases, and others move away from or avoid moving to places where diseases are rampant. B. Endemic diseases can result in increasing population numbers: people living in areas where certain diseases are prevalent tend to have more children because there is a risk that some will die. C. Endemic diseases can result in decreasing population numbers: people living in areas where certain diseases are prevalent tend to have fewer children. D. Endemic diseases can result in increasing population numbers: areas where certain diseases are prevalent attract more medical professional and researchers who move to these areas for jobs.


Answer 1
Answer: The answer Is A because it explains how endemic diseases impact the nations population
Answer 2


its a


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The body of water that surrounds Italy and serves as a crossroads for Europe, Africa, and Asia is the Mediterranean Sea.

The Mediterranean Sea is a large, interconnected sea that separates southern Europe from northern Africa and western Asia. It has played a significant role in the history of trade, culture, and civilization due to its strategic location at the crossroads of these three continents. The Mediterranean Sea and its significance:

Geography: The Mediterranean Sea is a relatively small sea, surrounded by a diverse group of countries. It is bordered by Southern Europe (Italy, France, Spain, Greece, etc.) to the north, Northern Africa (Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, etc.) to the south, and Western Asia (Turkey, Cyprus, Lebanon, Israel, etc.) to the east.

Historical Significance: The Mediterranean Sea has been a cradle of civilization for thousands of years. It's the birthplace of some of the world's oldest and most influential cultures, including the Greeks, Romans, and Phoenicians.

Trade and Commerce: The Mediterranean has been a major trade route since ancient times, and it remains crucial for global commerce today. It connects the Atlantic Ocean to the west with the Red Sea and the Indian Ocean to the east through the Suez Canal.

Cultural Exchange: The Mediterranean region is incredibly diverse in terms of cultures, languages, and religions. This diversity has led to rich cultural exchanges throughout history.

More information about Trade :



The mediterranean sea

Which of the following has been a negative effect of industrialization in china?increased literacy rates
sharp reduction in agricultural land
Decreased infant mortality rate
increased life expectancy


Sharp reduction in agricultural land has been the negative effect of industrialization in China. This scenario occurs because the development of cities to accommodate high population will give way to more lands that will be used for innovations instead for agriculture/food production. This does not only happen in China but also in other parts of the world where the fast increase in their economic growth is going on a fast rate but there are not enough places to accommodate this specific growth. 

As a result, lands that are supposed to be for agriculture are maximized by city construction which in the long term might lead to societal hunger.
Agricultural industries would be negatively affected if sharp reduction in agricultural land occurs.

Answer: B

This term refers specifically to chain or series of large metropolitan areas.A) megalopolis
B) sprawl
C) suburban
D) urban


The answer is A.....I think, lel

Which statements describe regions?Most regions are homogeneous.
Regions are defined by their common characteristics.
Regions do not change once their boundaries have been established.
Areas can belong to more than one region.
Regions are defined by people.
Regions have little or no effect upon each other.



Most regions are homogeneous.

Regions are defined by their common characteristics.

Regions do not change once their boundaries have been established.


Regions are subsets of realms. A region is an area of land that is has common characteristics. Regions are identified by the following properties:

  • Area: regions are in the world and they occupy a particlular geographical space.
  • Location: because they are geographical entities, they are located in a part of the world. The location can be defined using absolute coordinates or relative location attributes.
  • Boundaries: naturally, boundaries helps define the extent of regions.
  • Homogeniety: the different interactin parts that makes up a region are homogenous. This implies that they are uniform in all parts. If one part changes, the change reflects in other parts.


Most regions are homogeneous.

Regions are defined by their common characteristics.

Regions do not change once their boundaries have been established.


What are the two main characteristics for ALL igneous rocks?


Igneous rocks form from the cooling and solidification of lava or magma.

I'm not a big fan of this question, but I think the "desired" answer is grain-size (from very  large to microcrystalline) and interlocking texture.  

(It could be tendentiously argued that tuff (also called tufa) and possibly other pyroclastic rocks, which form from volcanic ejecta, lack an interlocking texture because they are more like sediments that are welded together. I say this is tendentious because such rocks are about as much sedimentary as they are igneous, and are not typical igneous rocks if they are igneous rocks at all.)

Why is the Amazon River called the Ocean River?


The Amazon river is called the 'ocean river' because because we get about 20% of fresh water from there in the world