What was an effect of Mongol rule over medieval Russia?A. Their code of laws served as a model for later Russian rulers.
B. Their teachings helped establish the Russian Orthodox Church.
C. They disrupted important trade routes of Russian merchants.
D. They cut Russia off from contacts with Western Europe.


Answer 1


D. They cut Russia off from contacts with Western Europe.


It was around 1219 when the Mongols previously entered the zones closest Kievan Russia in a move against the Polovtsy, who, thusly, requested the help of the Rus rulers. A board of rulers assembled in Kyiv to think about the solicitation, a demonstration which stressed the Mongols. As indicated by verifiable sources, the Mongols proclaimed that they had not assaulted the urban areas or individuals of the Rus nor assaulted their properties. The Mongol agents mentioned tranquility of the Russian sovereigns. However the rulers did not confide in the Mongols, suspecting that the Mongol development would proceed into Rus. Hence, the Mongol emissaries were quickly slaughtered and any possibility for harmony was devastated because of the sovereigns of the cracked Kievan state. Inside twenty years, Batu Khan walked from Mongolia with a multitude of 200,000 men. One by one, Russian realms, for example, Ryazan, Moscow, Vladimir, Suzdal, and Rostov tumbled to the Batu and his armed forces. The armed forces plundered and demolished the urban areas, butchered the general population, and accepting numerous as detainees and slaves.

The Mongols in the end caught, sacked, and decimated Kyiv, the representative focus of Kievan Russia. Just distant northwesterly territories, for example, Novgorod, Pskov, and Smolensk endure the surge, however these urban communities would persevere through roundabout oppression and become tributaries of the Golden Horde. Maybe a choice by the Russian sovereigns to make harmony could have turned away this. Be that as it may, that was not the case and for their miscounts, Russia would be forever changed in terms of its religion, art, language, government, and political geography.

Answer 2
Answer: D. They cut Russia off from contacts with Western Europe

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B.Historical change
D.Historical narrative



A.Historical continuity


It is the process of continuity, monitoring, of all those elements  cultural values of a society that prevail over different periods,  historical For example: the corn-based food of the Mexicas or the development  commercial and agricultural, based on the Mexican economy throughout  of its history, the Catholic religion as a union of Mexican society.

I think that the answer is b.

1. With regard to British influences on India, which of the following statements is true? A. The common name for the British Indian Empire was the "British Raj."
B. The British East India Company ruled India after a sepoy rebellion in 1867.
C. The British Indian Army was not expected to serve British interests beyond India.
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The following statement is true

A) The common name for the British Indian Empire was the "British Raj''

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With regards to British influences in India, A) the common name for the British Indian Empire was the British Raj. The British East India Company ruled India until the rebellion in 1867 which then brought direct rule from the British Government.